Sep 27, 2024  
2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


A wildcard character can be used to enhance your course search.  For example: use an asterisk and enter ACCT 3* to find all 3000-level ACCT courses.

For more information about courses or to request a copy of a course syllabus, contact the Academic School that offers the course.

Course offerings (days/times) can by found online and in MyCentral under “Records and Registration.”  Fall courses are available to view by early February, spring courses in late September, and summer courses in late December. 


Computer Science

A student may enroll in a course offered by the School of Computer Science and Mathematics only if a grade of C or better is earned in each of the course’s prerequisites taken.

  • CS 4000 - Special Problems in Computer Science (1-3)

    Individual reading and research on some topics not included in the regular offerings of the school. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4020 - Internship (1-3)

    Opportunity for students to gain knowledge in areas of computer science, cybersecurity or software engineering, both theoretical and applied, that would not normally be included as part of the school’s curriculum. Internship contract must be completed prior to beginning work/learning experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. A maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied to any one degree. Prerequisite(s): Consent of Program Coordinator. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4110 - Mobile Applications Programming with Android (3)

    A course on design and programming of applications for Android mobile devices. Topics include: application lifecycle, MVC design, Android layouts, application design, memory usage and threads, audio and video, database management, location and maps. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4120 - Advanced Applications Programming in Java (3)

    A continued exploration of the Java programming language with an emphasis in utilizing more advanced features of the language in software development. Topics include generics, multithreading, networking, JavaFX, databases, servlets, and JSP. This course is co-listed with CS 5220. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4130 - Server Side Web Programming (3)

    Introduction to server-side web programming: PHP and ASP.NET. The student will learn to develop dynamic web sites and interactive web application with databases. Prerequisite(s): CS 3120  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4150 - Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures (3)

    Fast-paced coverage of object-oriented programming in Java and data structures. Not available to those with credit in CS 1100 , CS 1110  or CS 2300 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4300 - Algorithm Design and Analysis (3)

    Techniques needed to analyze and design algorithms are discussed. It covers a large number of classical algorithms and their complexity. Topics such as sorting, graph algorithms, and NP-completeness are discussed.

      Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better and CS 2400  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.

  • CS 4500 - Operating Systems (3)

    An introduction to operating systems. Topics include: processes, threads, CPU scheduling, process synchronization, deadlock, memory management, file systems, mass-storage structure, I/O systems, and case studies. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better and CS 3500  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4510 - Introduction to Distributed Systems (3)

    A top-down approach addressing the issues to be resolved in the design of distributed systems. Concepts and existing approaches are described using a variety of methods including case studies, abstract models, algorithms and implementation exercises. This course is co-listed with CS 5511. Prerequisite(s): CS 3500  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4600 - Database Theory and Applications (3)

    An introduction to database theory and applications. Topics include: E-R model, relational database design, normalization theory, SQL, application design and development, security, and database administration. A significant application-oriented project will be required. This course is co-listed with CS 5200. Prerequisite(s): (CS 2400  with a grade of C or better or MATH 2410  with a grade of C or better) and CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4610 - Introduction to Cloud Computing (3)

    An introduction and broad view of cloud computing and its applications. Topics include Datacenter architectures, the MapReduce programming model, Hadoop, cloud algorithms, commercial cloud computing platforms such as Amazon EC2 and Google App Engine, and higher-level programming such as Hive and Pig. This course is co-listed with CS 5610. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4620 - Big Data Analytics (3)

    An introduction to big data analytics. Topics include map-reduce framework, statistical analysis, locality sensitive hashing, classification, clustering, link analysis, recommendation systems with social context, and Google file systems / Hadoop. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4630 - Data Mining (3)

    Covers processes involved in knowledge discovery, including data selection, cleaning, coding, using statistical and machine learning techniques, and visualization of generated structures. This course is co-listed with CS 5630. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4650 - Fundamentals of Bioinformatics II (3)

    Advanced computational methods and tools for predicting phylogenetic, structure, gene and regulatory mechanisms. Computational analysis of microarrays. Prerequisite(s): CS 3650  with a grade of C or better and BIOL 3511  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4700 - Artificial Intelligence (3)

    This course provides an introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and its latest development. Topics include genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, computer vision, natural language processing, neural networks, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. This course is co-listed with CS 5700. Prerequisite(s): (CS 2400  with a grade of C or better or MATH 2410  with a grade of C or better) and CS 2300  with a grade of C or better and Junior status. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4710 - Introduction to Machine Learning (3)

    Provides opportunities to learn various machine learning techniques to model data for classification and prediction. Concepts and methods are illustrated with real-world applications. This course is co-listed with CS 5710 Prerequisite(s): CS 1110  with a grade of C or better or MATH 1152  with a grade of C or better; and Junior status. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4810 - Computer Graphics (3)

    An introduction to computer graphics. Topics include: basic geometric primitives, transformations, clipping, viewing, color models, animation, and rendering. Programming: using OpenGL and appropriate languages. This course is co-listed with CS 5810. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better and CS 3500  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4830 - Game Development (3)

    An introduction to higher level technical aspects of computer game development. Topics include game development framework, game programming, design and create games using popular game engines and tools. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 4920 - Senior Project (3)

    Semester- long senior capstone project in which teams design, plan, implement, test, and deploy a software development project. Selected topics in software development, group dynamics, project management, and ethics and professional responsibility. Includes a formal presentation to the Computer Science faculty. Prerequisite(s): CS 4600  with a grade of C or better and SE 3910  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Construction Management

  • CMGT 1300 - Introduction to Construction Management (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    General survey of the organization and functioning of the construction industry: legal, ethical, business, and management aspects. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 1301 - Seminar in Construction Management (1)

    Forum to provide students an opportunity to learn about current events in the construction industry using guest speakers, open discussion, service projects and field trips. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 2020 - Statics (3)

    An introduction to the basic concepts of strengths of materials and statics as they relate to the design and analysis of materials, machines, and structures. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 1111  and MATH 1112  each with a C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 2301 - Intermediate Seminar in Construction Management (1)

    Forum to provide students an opportunity to learn about current events in the construction industry using guest speakers, open discussion, service projects and field trips. Students will participate in shaping the on campus discussion of contemporary issues related to the construction industry. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 1301   An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 2310 - Construction Plans and Specifications (3)

    An introductory course to construction management which provides a survey of print reading and specification interpretation for light, civil, heavy highway and utility construction. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 2325 - Project Cost Estimating (3)

    A quantitative take-off and survey of materials and productivity standards for industrial projects. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310  or CADD 1110  or CADD 1111 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 2340 - Surveying and Construction Layout (3: 2 lecture; 1 lab)

    Theory and practice of plane, topographic, and construction surveying and layout including care and use of instruments, note taking and computations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1112 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 2350 - Construction Materials (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    The purpose of this course is to provide construction management students an opportunity to become familiar with the properties of aggregates, cement, concrete, asphalt, steel, masonry, and timber.  The knowledge and understanding of these properties will help them design and build safe products and structures.  Students will also get an in-depth look at Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) mixture designs and asphalt concrete (AC) mixture designs.  They will be able to follow standard procedures in determining properties of materials and will be able to interpret the results of tests conducted in the laboratory.  During the concrete laboratory portion of the class students will be able to obtain their American Concrete Institute (ACI) Grade I certification.  Prerequisite(s): MATH 1111  with a C or better and CMGT 1300  with a C or better or ENGT 1500  with a C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 3010 - Applied Construction Practices GE (3: 2 lecture; 1 lab)

    Theory and practices of residential and light construction industry, methods, and materials. Hands-on laboratory activities with hand and power tool safety and effective use and jobsite safety support theory content. An additional fee is associated with this course.
    UCM General Education Competency: This course fulfills Knowledge Competency #7 and reinforces Foundational Skills Competency #3 in the METS (Mathematics, Engineering, Technology, and Science) area of the UCM General Education Program.
  • CMGT 3020 - Applied Strength of Materials (3)

    Selection and application of sizes, shapes, and materials required for the construction of a member for a machine or structure in order to resist an applied load in a safe and economical manner. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2020  with a C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 3301 - Advanced Seminar in Construction Management (1)

    Forum to provide students an opportunity to learn about current events in the construction industry using guest speakers, open discussion, service projects and field trips. Students will engage upcoming students in the construction program by sharing internship experiences. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2301 SOT 3022 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 3320 - Principles of Construction Management (3)

    Principles of construction contracting with related information on forms of business ownership, management, land development, labor relations, and project safety. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 1300  and CMGT 2310 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 3330 - Building Codes and Code Administration (3)

    In-depth study of national, state, and local regulations applicable to specification and performance of building construction standards. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310 , or consent of instructor. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 3350 - Building Structures: Methods & Materials (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    The types and processes of building structures including the materials and methods as applied to the structures: wood, steel, and concrete. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310 , CMGT 2340  and CMGT 2350 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 3355 - Construction Planning and Scheduling (3)

    Theory and use of construction scheduling to control the acquisition, movement, storage, and utilization of workers and/or material with emphasis given to the Critical Path Method (CPM). Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2325 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 4310 - Construction Safety (3)

    Construction safety and health conditions on the job as they relate to workers, supervisors, inspectors, and the public. This course is co-listed with CMGT 5310. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310  or junior standing. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 4325 - Advanced Estimating and Cost Analysis (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    An advanced course in construction cost estimating utilizing the computer and associated professional software to assist the estimator. This course is co-listed with CMGT 5325. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310  and CMGT 2325 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 4330 - Mechanical Systems for Buildings (3)

    Mechanical systems integrated with buildings and other equipment. This course is co-listed with CMGT 5330. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310  or junior standing. An additional fee is associated with this course.
    This is a sustainability course.
  • CMGT 4340 - Solar Energy for Building Construction (3)

    An analysis of solar energy systems and components as they apply to types of structure, sites, and climate regions. This course is co-listed with CMGT 5340. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 4355 - Computer-Based Project Control (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    An advanced course in construction project scheduling utilizing the computer and associated professional software to assist the project scheduler. This course is co-listed with CMGT 5355. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 3355 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 4380 - Heavy Construction: Methods and Materials (3)

    Explores heavy construction methods and materials. Included are the concepts of site investigation, heavy construction means and methods, heavy construction material characteristics and costs, heavy equipment types and uses, and equipment costs, production rates and unit cost of production. This course is co-listed with CMGT 5380. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310  and MATH 1111 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CMGT 4400 - Construction Operations (3)

    A detailed study of the knowledge, processes and operational procedures involved in a commercial construction project. Prerequisite(s): CMGT 2310 , CMGT 2325 , CMGT 3320  and CMGT 3355  and senior standing. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Criminal Justice

Only courses with a grade of C or better (including transfer courses) may be used to fulfill a core requirement in any major or minor offered exclusively by the Department of Criminal Justice. Students taking CJ courses to meet the requirements of majors/minors in other departments may use a D grade to fulfill requirements, unless stipulated by that department. A student may enroll in a course offered by the Department of Criminal Justice only if a grade of C or better is earned in each of the course’s prerequisites taken. A grade of D or better will meet the requirements for the 15 hours of CJ electives taken to fulfill a CJ major or any electives required for a CJ minor.

  • CJ 1000 - Introduction to Criminal Justice GE (3)

    The history, nature and function of the criminal justice system in America. Special attention is given to the philosophical basis underlying this system and to the problems associated with crime control in a democratic society. At each stage of the process, major issues confronting the system are examined. Fall, Spring. Sometimes offered online.
    UCM General Education Competency: This course fulfills Knowledge Competency #8 and reinforces Foundational Skills Competency #4 in the Social & Behavioral Sciences area of the UCM General Education Program.
  • CJ 1605 - Orientation to the Criminal Justice Major (1)

    Course gives student opportunity to become acquainted with academic tools used and techniques for success in major; to be taken immediately upon declaration of major. Prerequisite(s): major in Criminal Justice.
  • CJ 2000 - History of Corrections and Penal Institutions (3)

    Historical analysis of the development of corrections and penal institutions and the influence of social thought and philosophy on this development. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 2010 - Ethics in Criminal Justice (3)

    Provides an overview of the major moral philosophies and allows students to understand how ethical theories may be applied to ongoing problems and issues. It also reviews laws and policies that exist, as well as rules of conduct and protocol, and it identifies the legal and extralegal factors that influence these laws, policies, and rules. By evaluating critical issues in law enforcement, courts, and corrections, students will be given the opportunity to better understand the complexities involved with decision-making by criminal justice practitioners/professionals. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 2101 - Police Organization and Management (3)

    The principles and practices common to the effective management of American law enforcement agencies. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 2300 - Criminal Law and Procedure (3)

    An examination of the major legal principles concerning the definition of crimes and defenses and the legal parameters of criminal investigation and prosecution. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 2405 - International Policing (3)

    Overview of international policing operations includes an examination of organizational and administrative operations, duties of various police organizations, police relations with the public.
  • CJ 2700 - Introduction to Juvenile Justice (3)

    An examination of the origins, philosophy and objectives of the juvenile justice system. Focus is on the operation, legal processes, current trends and roles of the various actors within the juvenile justice system. Fall, Spring.
    This is a sustainability course.
  • CJ 3005 - Introduction to Firearms Proficiency (3)

    Introduction to firearms and their implications within the field of criminal justice, with lab component to provide firsthand firearms experience. Prerequisite(s): Criminal Justice major or minor or consent of school. An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • CJ 3006 - Corrections (3)

    An overview course in correctional theory and practice. Traces the historical development of corrections with emphasis on changing social standards and philosophies. Examines the various types of correctional institutions, their mission, physical structure, management, and problems. Also examines probation and parole, including theory, practice and major issues confronting these correctional alternatives. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better. Fall, Spring. Sometimes offered online.
  • CJ 3010 - Policing a Democratic Society (3)

    An in-depth look at the relationship between law enforcement and American society. Focus is on police-community relations, the police sub-culture, and the need for police objectives to conform to constitutional procedures. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better. Fall, Spring. Sometimes offered online.
  • CJ 3020 - Comparative Justice Systems (3)

    An examination of comparative crime rates among nations and the world’s major models of justice systems.
  • CJ 3104 - Institutional Operations (3)

    An examination of the procedures of correctional institutions and of the problems encountered in the classification, care and treatment of incarcerated offenders. Prerequisite(s): CJ 3006  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 3310 - Law of Corrections and Prisoners’ Rights (3)

    An examination of federal and state laws and resultant judicial interpretation regarding the substantive and procedural protections applied in the correctional setting with regard to the rights of the confined. Prerequisite(s): CJ 2300  with a grade of C or better. Spring.
  • CJ 3400 - Criminal Investigation (3)

    Principles involved in the investigation of crimes with particular attention given to its historical origins, the investigator, organization and management of the investigative function, and investigative methods; including crime scene processing, suspect identification and use of information sources. Consideration is also given to the investigation of specific crimes. Fall. Summer.
  • CJ 3405 - Homicide Investigation (3)

    Study of homicide investigation including tactics, procedures, problems, forensic techniques, and legal issues. Recommended that students complete CJ 3400  prior to taking this course. Spring.
  • CJ 3450 - Computer Crime Investigation (3)

    Covers the world of computer forensics and computer crime. This includes the seizing and handling of digital evidence, investigating Internet facilitated offenses, victimology, criminal profiling and legal considerations.  Students will complete a variety of hands-on projects throughout the course.  Spring.
  • CJ 3600 - Introduction to Criminal Justice Research and Statistics (3)

    An introductory examination of the research methods and statistics with application most commonly utilized in criminological and criminal justice research. Fall, Spring. Sometimes offered online.
  • CJ 3605 - Junior Seminar in Criminal Justice (1)

    Junior Seminar is designed to prepare students for a successful transition into a criminal justice career or transition to graduate school. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1605  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4000 - Special Projects in Criminal Justice Administration (1-3)

    Individual or group study of problems in special areas of interest. This course is co-listed with CJ 5001. May be repeated.
  • CJ 4006 - Probation, Parole and Community Corrections (3)

    An examination of the roles of probation, parole and other community correctional methods as they relate to other elements of the criminal justice system. Prerequisite(s): CJ 3006  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4010 - Criminal Justice International Study (3)

    Credit granted for study in a school approved program or study tour in a foreign country. This course is co-listed with CJ 5010. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): consent.
  • CJ 4020 - Crime, Justice and Social Diversity (3)

    Examines how issues of crime and justice are played out in the context of a diverse society. Diverse populations include those of income, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity and preference, age, immigration, and other disenfranchised elements of society. The course will focus on four major issues: 1) how diverse populations are socially constructed in American society; 2) how the law affects and has affected diverse populations in American society; 3) the differential response of the criminal justice system to various populations; and 4) how victimization impacts diverse groups. The course will emphasize historical patterns in conjunction with current critical issues regarding diversity and the criminal justice system. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better and senior status.
  • CJ 4060 - Victimology (3)

    An examination of the many facets of crime victimization including the victim, the offender, society-at-large, and the dynamics of the victim-offender relationship. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4070 - Drug Policy (3)

    An examination of policies on the criminalization of drugs, ranging from their possession to their distribution, including issues of legalization and the societal and political impact of the war on drugs. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4080 - Criminal Justice and the Media (3)

    An examination of media presentations of criminal justice issues and their impact on criminal justice policy and public opinion. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4090 - Miscarriages of Justice (3)

    An examination of the nature of wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice in the criminal justice system. This course is co-listed with CJ 5090. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4101 - Criminal Justice Planning (3)

    Planning concepts and development of comprehensive criminal justice plans; their integration into meaningful crime reduction and resistance programs; and their influence on the operations of police, judicial and correctional agencies.
  • CJ 4302 - Evidence and Courtroom Procedure (3)

    Rules of evidence as they relate to the prosecution and defense of criminal cases. It is recommended that students complete CJ 2300 .
  • CJ 4321 - Civil Remedies in Criminal Justice (3)

    State and federal legal liabilities and remedies in criminal justice and policy implications. Prerequisite(s): CJ 2300 .
  • CJ 4330 - Criminal Justice and the Mental Health Systems (3)

    The relation of the criminal justice system and the mental health process; legal concepts regarding the mentally disabled. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4390 - The Death Penalty (3)

    An examination of the jurisprudence, history and current issues about the death penalty.
  • CJ 4403 - Sexual Assault and the Criminal Justice System (3)

    In-depth study of sexual assault and sex offenders. Investigation into the motivation of sex offenders, the victim’s responses to assault, and investigative procedures. This course is co-listed with CJ 5403. Spring.
  • CJ 4420 - Organized Crime (3)

    An analysis of both the historical development of organized crime and its current impact on society. The enforcement, prosecutorial, judicial, and legislative actions utilized to combat organized crime will be examined. This course is co-listed with CJ 5420. Fall, Spring. Sometimes offered online.
  • CJ 4433 - Crime Mapping (3)

    An examination of the theoretical and practical aspects of crime mapping and the temporal and spatial analysis of crime.
  • CJ 4444 - Terrorism (3)

    Study of violent political and religious movements around the world and the difficulties they pose to the institutions of justice in a democratic society. This course is co-listed with CJ 5444. Taught only as an online course.
  • CJ 4488 - Homeland Security (3)

    Introduction to homeland security with focus on risks and hazards confronting the U.S., along with varied programs and agencies responsible for responding to these threats. This course is co-listed with CJ 5488. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4503 - Dynamics of Criminal Behavior (3)

    An investigation of the perspectives of causation of norm-violating behavior. Emphasis will be placed on rule violating behaviors as defined by the criminal law and on potential policy implications for the criminal justice system. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.
  • CJ 4601 - Directed Studies (1-6)

    Individual research and study in student’s field of interest as approved and directed by major professors. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semesters hours. Prerequisite(s): consent.
  • CJ 4602 - Internship in Criminal Justice (1-6)

    Practical experience in the operation of various components of the criminal justice system. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): consent.
  • CJ 4605 - Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice (1)

    Capstone course for a final opportunity to assess a student’s general performance in the criminal justice major. Prerequisite(s): CJ 3605  with a grade of C or better and senior major in Criminal Justice.
  • CJ 4701 - Juvenile Law & Policy (3)

    The jurisdiction of juvenile courts, role of law enforcement agents, judicial process, fact-finding hearings, dispositions, waivers, appeals, philosophy of the juvenile court with attention to the legal rights of children, and comparative analyses of juvenile codes.
  • CJ 4702 - Juvenile Corrections (3)

    An analysis of the theories, concepts, practices and special problems of juvenile corrections, including a review of contemporary juvenile correctional systems and discussion of recent research concerning the juvenile institution and the various field services.
  • CJ 4703 - International Juvenile Justice (3)

    An overview of international juvenile justice, through an examination of how the international society reacts to juvenile misbehavior and various juvenile justice models.
  • CJ 4704 - Dynamics of Delinquent Behavior (3)

    Students will analyze multiple explanations on why youth commit crime, to include the various formal theories of juvenile delinquency. The life course of juvenile crime will also be discussed in detail. This course additionally examines the roles that schools, families, the media and the juvenile justice system play in juvenile delinquency. The course also explores deviance and youth culture, which includes an examination of current youth groups in society. Such groups discussed may include skinheads, punk rockers, hip hoppers, goth, heavy metal, gamers, gangsters, hackers and grrrls.
  • CJ 4920 - Women and Crime (3)

    An exploration of the relationship between women and crime through three main components: (1) women and offending, (2) women and victimization, (3) responses to both. This course is co-listed with CJ 5920. Prerequisite(s): CJ 1000  with a grade of C or better.


A student may enroll in a course offered by the School of Computer Science and Mathematics only if a grade of C or better is earned in each of the course’s prerequisites taken.

  • CYBR 1040 - Orientation to Cybersecurity (1)

    This course is designed to help the first-year student to actively explore critical thinking, develop a sense of belonging to UCM and the School of Computer Science and Mathematics, develop self-awareness and responsibility, and gain an increased interest in the Cybersecurity program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 1500 - Command Line Environments (3)

    Introduction to Linux command line, Windows command prompt, and Windows PowerShell. Writing Bash scripts, Batch files to automate command-line based tasks. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 1800 - Introduction to Cybersecurity GE (3)

    Introduction to common issues of cyber security from end-user perspectives. Topics include technical and social constructions of cyber space, malicious content, Email security, social media related risk, secure online activity, protection of privacy, cultural and ethical dimensions of cyber security.
    UCM General Education Competency: This course fulfills Knowledge Competency #9 and Foundational Skills Competency #4 in the Engagement area of the UCM General Education Program.
  • CYBR 2500 - Computer Systems Administration (3)

    Introduction to Windows and Linux system administration. Students will learn basics of server systems and system administration tasks, including computer networking, file system management, user/group management, LDAP/Active Directory, and security of systems. Student’s hands-on skills will be emphasized. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 1500  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 3130 - Secure Programming (3)

    Introduction to secure and reliable programming practices. Topics include security loophole identification, conversion of noncompliant code to compliant code, and best defensive programming practices. Prerequisite(s): CS 1030  with a grade of C or better or CS 1100  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 3300 - Introduction to Cryptography (3)

    Cryptographic algorithms and their applications. Topics include block ciphers, message authentication, key negotiation, key management, and attack models. Prerequisite(s): CS 2400  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 3510 - Systems Security (3)

    Introduction to security of database systems and operating systems. Topics include: SQL, database access control, database integrity control, database encryption, database backup; processes, thread, virtual memory, file systems, Windows and Linux security architecture, OS virtualization security, and PowerShell automation security. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 2500  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 3520 - Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems Security (3)

    Introduction to securing systems that interact with the physical world, including industrial control systems, distributed control systems/SCADA, critical infrastructure, and the Internet of Things. Includes hands-on labs and discussion of policy and governance, ethics, emerging standards, and best practices. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 1800  with a grade of C or better and CS 1030  with a grade of C or better or CS 1100  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 3820 - Usable Privacy and Security (3)

    Focuses on the underlying human factors of information security and highlights the tradeoff between usability and security. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand the principles of designing usable security and privacy systems. Topics include usability for security, introduction to HCI design methodologies, passwords, secondary authentication, privacy tools, security warnings, smartphone apps, privacy policies and notices, usable encryption, browser privacy and security, SSL and PKIs, social networks and privacy, rust and mental models. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 1800  with a grade of C or better and ACST 1300  with a grade of C or better or ACST 2310  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 3830 - Economics of Cybersecurity (3)

    Focuses on the underlying economic factors of cybersecurity and highlights the incidents of security failures that happen due to misaligned incentives rather than to the lack of suitable technical protection mechanisms. Topics include economic perspective of cybersecurity, cultural perspective of cybersecurity, blockchain technology, economics of privacy, economics of malware, economics of authentication, the information security business, economics of vulnerabilities, copyrights and rights management, cybercrime cost measurement, theoretical models, forensic economics. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 1800  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 4010 - Special Topics in Cybersecurity (3)

    Individual reading and research on more specialized and recent topics in cybersecurity not included in the regular offering of the school. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300  with a grade of C or better or CS 2400  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CYBR 4140 - Web Applications Security (3)

    Identification and prevention of security vulnerabilities in web applications.  Topics include Web Fundamentals, Authentication, Secure User Input, Secure Configuration, Secure Web Development, and attack vectors such as Session Hijacking, SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery, XML External Entity. This course is co-listed with CYBR 5240.

      Prerequisite(s): CS 1030  with a grade of C or better or CS 1100  with a grade of C or better; and Junior status. An additional fee is associated with this course.

  • CYBR 4610 - Cloud Security (3)


    Introduce cloud security from fundamentals to advanced and practical topics. Topics include cloud security fundamentals, threat models and risks/vulnerabilities of cloud computing, technical security principles and controls for cloud data, cloud platforms and infrastructure, and cloud application, the Cloud Control Matrix (CCM) and CAIQ, and scripting and automation in the cloud. This course prepares students for the (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional certification exam. This course is co-listed with CYBR 5610. Prerequisite(s): NET 1060  with a grade of C or better and CYBR 2500  with a grade of C or better; or CS 3840  with a grade of C or better. An additional fee is associated with this course. Spring.


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