Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


A wildcard character can be used to enhance your course search.  For example: use an asterisk and enter ACCT 5* to find all 5000-level ACCT courses.
For more information about courses or to request a copy of a course syllabus, contact the Academic School that offers the course.
Course offerings (days/times) can by found online and in MyCentral under “Records and Registration.”  Fall courses are available to view by early February, spring courses in late September, and summer courses in late December. 




  • ACCT 5030 - Advanced Income Tax (3)

    Continuation of federal income tax principles with focus on business entities. Consideration of special treatment received by various business entities, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. Major topics covered are business income, deductions, losses and loss limitations, property transactions and comparative forms of doing business.  This course is co-listed with ACCT 4130. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3130 with a grade of C or better. Fall, Spring.
  • ACCT 5101 - Managing Decision Making Using Excel (3)

    This course is designed to prepare students to make decisions based on cost accounting information.  Specifically, the course covers decision making based on economic concepts, how the methods accountants employ to measure costs influence the decision making process, how to use Microsoft Excel to organize, analyze, and clearly present large data sets, and finally how principal- agent theory affects the outcomes of decisions made.  After successfully completing this course, students should be able to competently make decisions when presented with accounting data.  Students should also be able to reduce goal incongruence, thereby increasing the chances that their decisions will be carried out. This course is co-listed with ACCT 4101. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2102 with a grade of C or better or ACCT 5105  with a grade of B or better.
  • ACCT 5105 - Accounting for Managers (2)

    Focus is on understanding, utilizing, and analyzing financial and managerial accounting information to establish a working knowledge of accounting topics necessary for decision-making roles in the current business environment. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MBA program and BADM 5400 .
  • ACCT 5115 - Financial Reporting and Analysis (3)

    Students gain financial statement analytical perspectives required of auditors and credit and equity analysts. Students are also exposed to current advanced topics in financial reporting. This course is co-listed with ACCT 4114. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3103 or consent of Graduate Coordinator.
  • ACCT 5120 - Financial Accounting and Reporting I (3)

    This course provides an in-depth, advanced study of the theory and practice of financial reporting, with an emphasis on preparing for the Certified Public Accounting Examination.  Select topics include the conceptual framework, equity, statement of cash flows, pensions and reporting for governmental and not-for-profit entities. This course is co-listed with ACCT 4121. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3103 and ACCT 4200.
  • ACCT 5130 - Seminar in Tax Research and Planning (3)

    Graduate course in federal income taxes. The obtaining of tax information from its various sources and using it to make important management and financial decisions. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5030  or consent of the Graduate Coordinator.
  • ACCT 5135 - Internship in Accounting (1-6)

    Opportunity for students to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience within a particular accountancy specialization.  This course is co-listed with ACCT 4135. May repeat for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the MA program and approval of the School of Accountancy Director of Graduate Studies.
  • ACCT 5136 - Estate and Trusts (3)

    Provides students with the knowledge base and analytical skills needed for effective planning and administration, with emphasis on tax. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3130 with a grade of C or better.
  • ACCT 5137 - Partnership Taxation (3)

    Graduate course in federal income taxes.  Examines detailed rules concerning the taxation of partnerships and their partners including formation, allocations, distributions, and terminations. This course is co-listed with ACCT 4137. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5030 .
  • ACCT 5138 - Corporate Taxation & Tax Research (3)

    This course examines the tax law related to corporations and their shareholders including formation, operation, distributions, and liquidations.  Students will also complete corporate income tax returns and learn the tools for effective tax research and drafting tax memorandums.  This course is co-listed with ACCT 4138. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4130.
  • ACCT 5139 - Seminar in Selected Tax Topics (3)

    Graduate course in federal income taxes. Advanced examination of topics including individual tax planning, international taxation and tax strategy. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours when topics vary. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5030 .
  • ACCT 5140 - Financial Accounting and Reporting II (3)

    This course provides an in-depth, advanced study of the theory and practice of financial reporting, with an emphasis on preparing for the Certified Public Accounting Examination.  Select topics include the investments, consolidations, partnerships, leases, derivatives and hedging, foreign currency accounting.   This course is co-listed with ACCT 4140. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3103.
  • ACCT 5150 - Advanced Auditing (3)

    An in-depth study of auditing that includes the theory and application of auditing standards, authoritative literature, sampling techniques, reports, and current topics. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4105.
  • ACCT 5155 - Fraud Examination (3)

    This course is designed to develop the student’s awareness of the nature of forensic accounting. The course will explore the concept of the fraud triangle and red flags that may indicate the existence of fraud and different types of financial statement fraud schemes. Analytic tools useful in the practice of fraud detection, fraud prevention, litigation support, and related topics will be taught.  This course is co-listed with ACCT 4155. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4105.
  • ACCT 5160 - Data Analytics for Accountants (3)

    This course will prepare accounting and business students to be a strategic business partner in the organization.  The course will challenge students to think critically about whether and how data can improve business performance, create opportunities, and help manage risks.  The course will also expose students to some of the most common business intelligence and analysis software packages currently used in organizations. This course is co-listed with ACCT 4161.
  • ACCT 5165 - Special Projects in Accounting (1-3)

    Individualized or group study under the supervision of school faculty.  This course is co-listed with ACCT 4165.  May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA program and consent of the School of Accountancy Director of Graduate Studies.
  • ACCT 5191 - International Accounting (3)

    Accounting for international transactions, the operations of international firms, foreign exchange markets, comparisons of accounting standards in foreign countries and the procedures by which they and international standards are established. Integrates financial, managerial, and tax accounting in the conduct of international business. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4100, ACCT 3120 and ACCT 5030 .
  • ACCT 6160 - Readings in Accounting (1-3)

    A directed study of selected accounting literature. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.

Actuarial Science and Statistics

  • ACST 5312 - Probability Models (3)

    An in-depth study of probability theory and stochastic processes with their applications in fields such as computer science, management science, social science, and operations research. This course is co-listed with ASCT 4312. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2153 and ACST 3311. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5315 - Mathematical Statistics (3)

    Mathematical foundation of statistical inference. Topics include but are not limited to random sampling, sampling distributions, methods of estimation, properties of estimators, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and their applications. This course is co-listed with ACST 4315. Prerequisite(s): ACST 5312 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5321 - Regression Analysis (3)

    Applied statistical models and methods with an emphasis on Regressions Analysis. This course is co-listed with ACST 4321. Prerequisite(s): ACST 3311. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5322 - Time Series Models and Analysis (3)

    Applied statistical models and methods with an emphasis on time series and forecasting. This course is co-listed with ACST 4322. Prerequisite(s): ACST 5321 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5323 - Statistical Aspects of Experimental Design (3)

    Calculus based statistical aspects of experimental designs that include randomization, replication, blocking, and factorial experiments. This course is co-listed with ACST 4323. Prerequisite(s): ACST 3311. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5331 - Multivariate Statistical Analysis (3)

    Review of regression and analysis of variance. The multivariate normal distribution. Hotelling’s T-square distribution, Wishart distribution, discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, factor analysis. Prerequisite(s): For Actuarial Science and Statistics Option majors ACST 5312  or consent of the instructor. For non-majors ACST 5321  or (ACST 3311 and MATH 5700 ) or consent of the instructor. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5341 - Applied Stochastic Process (3)

    Introduction to stochastic processes used in stochastic modeling, including discrete and continuous time Markov processes, renewal processes, and Brownian motion Prerequisite(s): ACST 5312  or ACST 5322 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5351 - Principles of Data Mining (3)

    Principles of data mining, including visualizing and exploring data, cluster analysis, association analysis, predictive modeling for classification and regression. Prerequisite(s): ACST 5321   An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5361 - SAS Programming for Statistical Analysis (3)

    Introduction to SAS programming for statistical analysis, including reading, writing, managing, describing, and analyzing data, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and analysis of variance.  This course is co-listed with ACST 4331. Prerequisite(s): ACST 5321 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5510 - Mathematics of Finance (3)

    The basic measures of interest, annuities, discounted cash flow analysis, and their applications. This course is co-listed with ACST 4510. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1152. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5520 - Life Contingencies I (3)

    Theory and applications of contingency mathematics in the areas of life and health insurance, annuities and pensions. This course is co-listed with ACST 4520. Prerequisite(s): ACST 5312  and ACST 5510 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5522 - Life Contingencies II (3)

    A study of multiple decrement insurance models, joint life insurance models, pension mathematics, and interest rate risk. Prerequisite(s): ACST 5520 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5530 - Statistical Modeling (3)

    A model-based study of statistical data that is used in decision making. Models include aggregate loss models, construction of empirical models, parametric models, credibility models, and simulation. This course is co-listed with ACST 4530. Prerequisite(s): ACST 5321  and ACST 5312 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5910 - Special Projects in Statistics (1-6)

    Individual reading and presentation of topics not included in the regular offerings of the school. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Approval of Actuarial Science and Statistics Faculty. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 5920 - Internship in Actuarial Science or Statistics (1-3)

    Graduate level internship that provides theoretical knowledge and practical applications in actuarial science or statistics. Prerequisite(s): Consent of actuarial science/statistics committee and graduate adviser. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 6910 - Special Topics in Statistics and Actuarial Science (1-6)

    Individual reading and presentation of topics not included in the regular offerings of the school but requiring knowledge of statistical inference and thinking beyond an introductory level. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Two of the following courses: ACST 5312 , ACST 5315 , ACST 5321 , and ACST 5530 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 6912 - Masters Project (3)

    Non-thesis project in an area of actuarial science/statics, directed by an actuarial science/statistics graduate faculty member and on a comprehensive study that involves the development of an independent investigation, design of the procedure, and the conclusion of the study. Prerequisite(s): Consent of advisor and actuarial science/statistics committee An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ACST 6950 - Masters Thesis (6)

    Research in an area of actuarial science and statistics and directed by a graduate faculty member in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics , which leads to the completion of a thesis. Prerequisite(s): Consent of advisor and actuarial science/statistics committee An additional fee is associated with this course.


  • AGRI 5000 - Advanced Readings in Agriculture (1-3)

    Advanced readings in the student’s field of interest or related areas. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • AGRI 5110 - Advanced Agribusiness Management (3)

    This course is for students interested in careers eventually leading to managerial positions in the grain, feed, fertilizer, farm petroleum and related agricultural industries. During the course, students will learn about the key aspects of managing the agribusiness firm: decision-making, operating and managerial functions, communication, overview of markets, management principles, and the inter-personal work environment within an organization. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Summer.
  • AGRI 5120 - International Agriculture (3)

    Economic, cultural, governmental and environmental factors which influence agricultural production and trade among countries. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4120. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 2130 and AGRI 3210.
  • AGRI 5140 - Agricultural Policy (3)

    History, principles, settings, objectives, and methods of policy development as applied to agriculture in our society. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4140. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 3110 and AGRI 3120.
  • AGRI 5145 - Agricultural Economics and Statistics (3)

    This course is for students interested in the theoretical and methodological foundations required to perform analyses of economic problems in food and agricultural markets. This is an advanced applied course in microeconomic theory, which will use mathematical and statistical tools and concepts, to solve empirical problems focused in agriculture.  Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Summer.
  • AGRI 5150 - Natural Resource Economics (3)

    Nature of natural resources; economic efficiency as basis for natural resource use; externalities in natural resource use; factors influencing environmental quality; alternate public policy tools for influencing natural resource use. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4150. Prerequisite(s): ECON 1010 and ECON 1011.
  • AGRI 5230 - Agricultural Machinery Management (3)

    The capacities, costs, and practicalities of various mechanical systems used in the agricultural industry. Prerequisite(s): 15 semester hours of agriculture courses.
  • AGRI 5310 - Pasture Management (3)

    Maintenance and uses of grasses and legumes for pastures. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 2330 and AGRI 2315.
  • AGRI 5315 - Advanced Plant Breeding and Genetics (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    The principles involved in the selection and development of economically important plants. Traditional and modern practices (cell culture and biotechnology) will discussed. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Summer.
  • AGRI 5325 - Advanced Plant Diseases (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Examination and discussion of economically significant diseases that attack agronomic and horticultural crops, along with the various strategies used to manage these diseases.  Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Summer.
  • AGRI 5410 - Advanced Animal Breeding (3)

    An in-depth study of methods of livestock selection utilizing genetic variation. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 3410.
  • AGRI 5415 - Advanced Animal Science (3: 2 lecture 1 lab)

    This course will educate graduate students with advanced information in area of animal science pertaining to the farm animal livestock species. Areas discussed will be nutrition physiology, quantitative and population genetics, endocrinology, reproductive physiology and animal behavior. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • AGRI 5430 - Animal Science: Beef (3)

    Systems of beef production. Includes breeding, feeding, and management of commercial and purebred beef. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4430. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AGRI 5435 - Animal Science: Pork (3)

    Systems of pork production. Includes breeding, feeding, and management of commercial and purebred swine. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4435. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AGRI 5445 - Advanced Beef Cattle and Swine Production (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Management techniques utilized in commercial and purebred beef cattle and swine production. The four production segments for each industry will be covered. For each segment of the industry, appropriate information pertaining to reproduction, genetics and selection strategies, nutrition, and health management will be discussed in class lecture and performed in hands-on laboratories. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Summer.
  • AGRI 5510 - General Veterinary Science (3)

    Anatomy, physiology, disease control, parasitic control, and sanitation of farm animals. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4410. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420 and CHEM 1104.
  • AGRI 5600 - Horticultural Plants I: Woody (3)

    Identification, description, climatic adaptation, classification, characteristics and best landscape use of woody horticultural trees and shrubs. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4600. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1600 or BIOL 1111. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AGRI 5605 - Horticultural Plants II: Herbaceous (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Identification, description, adaptation, classification, cultural characteristics and best use of herbaceous horticultural plants. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4605. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1600. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AGRI 5610 - Turfgrass Science (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Selection, identification, establishment and maintenance of turfgrasses. This course is co-listed with AGRI 4610. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1600 and AGRI 2330. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AGRI 5800 - Research Problems in Agriculture (1-3)

    Individual investigation of a research topic in agriculture related to the student’s interests and career objectives not available under regular classes. May be accomplished by reports, surveys, experiments, and literature review. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • AGRI 5850 - Research and Thesis (2-4)

    Designed to give experience in executing research and analyzing agricultural data. Required for collecting data to complete a thesis. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 5160 and CTE 5130.
  • AGRI 5920 - Induction to Teaching Year I (2)

    This course is for the professional development of first-year agriculture teachers. Focus is placed on knowledge and skills needed by a beginning teacher. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • AGRI 5930 - Induction to Teaching Year II (2)

    This course is for the professional development of second-year agriculture teachers. Focus is placed on knowledge and skills needed by a beginning teacher. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.


  • ANTH 5815 - Special Projects in Anthropology (1-6)

    Study, interpretation, and discussion of special topics and problems in anthropology. This course is co-listed with ANTH 4815 May be repeated for a maximum of 15 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • ANTH 5820 - Anthropology of Gender (3)

    Explores cultural factors influencing roles of women and men in a variety of cultures, from small foraging bands to large industrialized states. Topics include cultural influences on sexual equality, sexual hierarchy, heterosexuality, and homosexuality. This course is co-listed with ANTH 4820.
  • ANTH 5835 - Anthropological Study Tour (3)

    A faculty-led course abroad allowing students to incorporate and apply anthropological theories and practices in an international experience, such as assessing museum exhibits. This course is co-listed with ANTH 4835.
  • ANTH 5840 - Historical Archaeology (3)

    The study of artifacts, architecture, and other material culture to address anthropological topics, such as race, gender, and class, within historic North America. This course is co-listed with ANTH 4840.
  • ANTH 5870 - Ethnographic Methods (3)

    Introduction to ethnography and ethnographic method, including IRB training, participant observation, data collection, data analysis, and writing ethnography. Students will perform their own ethnographic research. This course is co-listed with ANTH 4870.
  • ANTH 5880 - Human Evolution (3)

    Fossils of human ancestors are assessed through the concepts of primate comparative anatomy, behavior, macroevolution, and genetics.  This course deeply investigates what it means to be human through our ancestors and relatives. This course is co-listed with ANTH 4880.

Art and Design

  • ART 5010 - Special Projects in Art (1-3)

     This course is co-listed with ART 4010. May be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • ART 5110 - Special Problems in Drawing (3)

    Drawing in all media from models and from imagination leading to finished drawings. Emphasis on composition. Study of old masters and contemporary drawings. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 3110.
  • ART 5210 - Advanced Life Drawing (3)

    Drawing from the model at rest and in action in all media. Studies in composition and the analysis of the work of the old and modern masters. Special emphasis given to techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 3209. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 5324 - Papermaking (3)

    Introduces the student to western techniques in hand papermaking: sheet forming and two and three-dimensional paper structures. This course is co-listed with ART 4324. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): 20 semester hours of art.
  • ART 5410 - Sculpture Studies (3)

    Stylistic direction involving preliminary cartoons and scale model forms with an evaluation of the work problems in sculpture. Materials will include clay (terra cotta), plaster, wood, metal, and cast metals with special emphasis placed upon originality, finish, and presentation. The student will be encouraged to select his/her own media. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 2420. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 5412 - Ceramics Studio (3)

    Encourages the development of stylistic direction and exhibition involvement through the intensive study of student/instructor selected areas of ceramics. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 5511 - Advanced Oil Painting (3)

    Pictorial organization and the methods and techniques of painting in oils. Analysis of subject matter, preliminary sketches, and preparation of frames for exhibitions. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 1325.
  • ART 5520 - Advanced Watercolor (3)

    The methods and techniques of painting in watercolor and gouache. Special attention to subject matter, preliminary sketches, and composition. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 3510. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 5710 - Printmaking Studio (3)

    Advanced study in the specialized areas of printmaking. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 3710, ART 3720, ART 3730 and ART 3740, or instructor consent.
  • ART 5850 - Twentieth Century Art and Architecture (3)

    Examines the development of Modern art and architecture in the Western world from its origins in the late nineteenth century to mid-twentieth century Postmodernism using critical and creative thinking about social, political, cultural, intellectual and aesthetic contexts embodies in the visual arts. This course is co-listed with ART 4850.
  • ART 5860 - Contemporary Art and Design (3)

    Examines themes in contemporary art and design and their theoretical frameworks in a global community using critical and creative thinking about social, political, cultural, intellectual and aesthetic contexts embodied in the visual arts and global contemporary culture. This course is co-listed with ART 4860.

Athletic Training

  • AT 5610 - Clinical Athletic Training Methods (3)

    A foundational approach to therapeutic rehabilitation, program design and implementation for conditions in the active population. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSAT Program. Corequisite(s): AT 5620  and AT 5630 .  An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5620 - Responding to Emergencies (3)

    Provide the athletic training student with the foundational knowledge of the Athletic Training profession. Discuss prevention, recognition, mechanism and management of injuries and general medical conditions. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSAT Program. Corequisite(s): AT 5610  and AT 5630 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5630 - Principles of Athletic Training (3)

    Provide the athletic training student with the foundational knowledge of the Athletic Training profession. Discuss prevention, recognition, mechanism and management of injuries and general medical conditions. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSAT Program. Corequisite(s): AT 5610  and AT 5620   An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5640 - Orthopedic Assessment: Lower Extremity (3)

    Common types of orthopedic dysfunctions in the lower extremity will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed upon mechanism of injury, pathology, recognition/evaluation techniques, protocols, and prevention in patient centered care. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 5650  and AT 5660 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5650 - Clinical Practicum I (3)

    Evaluation of orthopedic conditions occurring to the lower extremity. Clinical assignment to Clinical Preceptors will occur during the semester to assess clinical learning/implementation. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 5640  and AT 5660 .  An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5660 - Therapeutic Modalities (3: 3 lecture, 0 lab)

    Principles related to the physiological effects, treatment parameters, intended outcomes utilizing Evidence Based Medicine in the practical application of the various modalities discussed. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 5640  and AT 5650 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5670 - Orthopedic Assessment: Upper Extremity (3)

    Common types of orthopedic dysfunctions in the upper extremity will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed upon mechanism of injury, pathology, recognition/evaluation techniques, protocols, and prevention in patient centered care. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630 AT 5640 AT 5650 AT 5660  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 5680  and AT 5690 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5680 - Clinical Practicum II (3)

    Evaluation of orthopedic conditions occurring to the upper extremity. Clinical assignment to Clinical Preceptors will occur during the semester to assess clinical learning/implementation. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630 AT 5640 AT 5650 AT 5660  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 5670  and AT 5690 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 5690 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Building upon the foundation from AT 5610, this course will bridge theory into clinical application of rehabilitation concepts across the entire spectrum of a patient care. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630 AT 5640 AT 5650 AT 5660  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 5670  and AT 5680 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 6610 - Medical Aspects and Interventions in Athletic Training (4)

    The course provides an overview of concepts related to the general medical evaluation, conditions, and treatments commonly seen in a diverse and active population. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630 AT 5640 AT 5650 AT 5660 AT 5670 AT 5680 AT 5690  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 6620 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 6620 - Clinical Practicum III (3)

    Theoretical and clinical application of diagnostic instrumentations along with the interpretations and findings to assist in medical diagnosis and treatment. Clinical assignment to Clinical Preceptors will occur during the semester to assess clinical learning/implementation. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630 AT 5640 AT 5650 AT 5660 AT 5670 AT 5680 AT 5690  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 6610 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 6630 - Management and Professionalism in Athletic Training (3)

    Discussions in legal/ethical practice, resource management, professional responsibility, inter-professional relationships and medical facility management. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630 AT 5640 AT 5650 AT 5660 AT 5670 AT 5680 AT 5690 AT 6610 AT 6620  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 6640 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AT 6640 - Clinical Practicum IV (3)

    Emphasis will be placed upon the application of athletic training skills in emergency care, orthopedic appliances, and therapeutic intervention as directed by orthopedic assessment findings in the clinical setting. Clinical assignment to Clinical Preceptors will occur during the semester to assess clinical learning/implementation. Prerequisite(s): AT 5610 AT 5620 AT 5630 AT 5640 AT 5650 AT 5660 , AT 5670 AT 5680 AT 5690 AT 6610 AT 6620  and admission to the MSAT program. Corequisite(s): AT 6630 . An additional fee is associated with this course.

Automotive Technology Management

  • ATM 5032 - Hydraulics and Pneumatics (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Fluid power principles with practical application of hydraulics, pneumatics, and fluidics This course is co-listed with ATM 4032. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1111. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ATM 5038 - Advanced Hydraulics (3)

    Hydraulic system analysis and troubleshooting along with servo and electronic control theory and application. This course is co-listed with ATM 4038. Prerequisite(s): ATM 5032 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ATM 5410 - Intermodal Transportation (3)

    Transportation (air, motor vehicle, pipeline, rail, and water) in the United States as seen from an integrated, intermodal viewpoint. Major aspects include systems analysis, organization, operations, financing, research and development, training, and regulation. Economic, environmental, social, and political factors are also considered. This course is co-listed with ATM 4410. An additional fee is associated with this course.


  • AVIA 5001 - Graduate Studies Orientation (1)

    Orientation to academic and administrative expectation of graduate students including basic academic requirements, conducting aviation research, resources available, professional and personal standards of performance and program progression.
  • AVIA 5002 - Professional Ethics in Aviation (3)

    The course introduces students to ethical issues in aviation such as theoretical frameworks, concepts of business ethics, employee responsibility, accessibility, diversity in aviation, ground issues regarding airports, air traffic control and security, decision-making, as well as health and the environment.
  • AVIA 5010 - Special Problems in Aviation Technology (2-6)

    Meets individual student needs for additional research and/or laboratory experiences in the development of technical knowledge and skills in the areas of power and transportation. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours.
  • AVIA 5022 - Aviation Internship (1-3)

    Provides experience for students in participating organizations. Students rotate assignments, create written reports of their activities. Prerequisite(s): Graduate adviser consent and Internship coordinator consent; graduate GPA 3.00 or above; minimum of one semester graduate work completed.
  • AVIA 5030 - Airport Planning and Design (3)

    Examine the criteria involved in the planning, design, development, and improvement of airports. Includes planning for normal operating procedures of modern airport facilities. This course is co-listed with AVIA 4030.
  • AVIA 5032 - Advanced Airport Planning and Design (2)

    A continuation of planning, design, development, and improvement of airports. Includes strategic and project planning as well as disaster planning for airport facilities.

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