Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


A wildcard character can be used to enhance your course search.  For example: use an asterisk and enter ACCT 5* to find all 5000-level ACCT courses.
For more information about courses or to request a copy of a course syllabus, contact the Academic School that offers the course.
Course offerings (days/times) can by found online and in MyCentral under “Records and Registration.”  Fall courses are available to view by early February, spring courses in late September, and summer courses in late December. 




  • COMM 5335 - Gender Communication (3)

    Gender as it influences communication processes in intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public and mediated contexts. This course is co-listed with COMM 4335, Prerequisite(s): COMM 3010.
  • COMM 5340 - Rhetorical Analysis and Society (3)

    An examination of the Foundations and development of rhetorical theory with an emphasis on rhetorical criticism research. This course is co-listed with COMM 4340.
  • COMM 5370 - Special Topics in Communication (1-3)

    The study of subjects not included in school’s regular offering. This course is co-listed with COMM 4370. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Consent.
  • COMM 5390 - Contemporary Communication (3)

    Public address as it functions in contemporary society in a variety of traditional and mass media settings. This course is co-listed with COMM 4390.
  • COMM 5412 - Narrative Production (3)

    Advanced production of narrative programs in digital formats. This course is co-listed with COMM 4412. Prerequisite(s): OCMM 3050 and COMM 3450.
  • COMM 5435 - Advanced Multicam Production (3)

    The theories, techniques, and skills of producing a full-length newscast including producing, writing, reporting performance, ENG and editing. This course is co-listed with COMM 4435. Prerequisite(s): COMM 2412; COMM 1520 or 2475.
  • COMM 5500 - History of the American Press (3)

    Development of the American press from colonial days to modern times; factors affecting the shape and contents of the press in contemporary society. This course is co-listed with COMM 4500.
  • COMM 5510 - Magazine Design and Production (3)

    The magazine process from the collection of raw material through layout and design to the circulation of the finished product. This course is co-listed with COMM 4510. Prerequisite(s): COMM 1520, 2620 and COMM 2530.
  • COMM 5535 - Muleskinner II (3)

    Advanced techniques of reporting the news and developing features, editorials, and investigative stories through writing, video, and social media.  Students will be learning in a laboratory environment for the Muleskinner.  This course is co-listed with COMM 4535. Prerequisite(s): COMM 1520 and COMM 2520.
  • COMM 5550 - Advanced Screenwriting (3)

    In this course, students will write the first-draft of a feature-length screenplay. Writing a feature differs significantly from writing a short screenplay, and over the course of the semester, students will build on their foundational screenwriting knowledge through writing assignments and workshops. In addition, students will learn how to work with a writing partner, adapt source material, and write query letters to agents and producers. This course is co-listed with COMM 4550. Prerequisite(s): COMM 2275.
  • COMM 5560 - Documentary Production (3)

    Documentary production techniques and process from research and planning postproduction along with a survey of the genre, its history, and its screen grammar. This course is co-listed with COMM 4560. Prerequisite(s): COMM 3050 and COMM 3450.
  • COMM 5565 - Corporate and Freelance Production (3)

    Students will gain experience working on client-based productions, from preproduction planning to shooting, editing, and distribution.  The class will train students for both corporate and freelance production jobs. This course is co-listed with COMM 4565. Prerequisite(s): COMM 2411 or COMM 2412 or COMM 2475.
  • COMM 5570 - History of International Film (3)

    An introduction to international film history, focusing in particular on certain movements and themes made important for technological, aesthetic, social and economic reasons. This course is co-listed with COMM 4570. Prerequisite(s): COMM 3000.
  • COMM 5780 - Communication Leadership and Practice in Organizations (3)

    A consideration of theories and principles of communication structures and systems within organizations. This course is co-listed with COMM 4780.
  • COMM 5781 - Strategic Communication Audits (3)

    The assessment and measurement of human interaction within professional settings. This course is co-listed with COMM 4781.
  • COMM 5783 - Communication Training (3)

    Communication as the coupling that holds organizations together and the agent of change which ensures health and growth. Students will assess needs and determine communication links; design, develop, and implement learning modules for human resource development; and design and interpret evaluation means to determine the effectiveness of the communicated training. This course is co-listed with COMM 4783. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • COMM 5800 - Quantitative Research Methods for Communication (3)

    Covers the creation, implementation, and analysis of quantitative research methods. These methods are statistically driven and used to create generalizations about a given population.
  • COMM 5810 - Theories of Communication (3)

    Overview of the major theories used to provide a basis for studying the communication process.
  • COMM 5820 - Qualitative Research Methods (3)

    Covers the theoretical grounding and aims of qualitative research. Practical instruction on how to design, carry out, and write qualitative research.
  • COMM 5890 - Thesis (1-6)

    Special investigation of an approved problem in communication resulting in a formal thesis or screenplay. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours.
  • COMM 6771 - Graduate Internship in Communication (1-6)

    The application of communication principles in business, industrial governmental, and media settings through a supervised experience. Prerequisite(s): COMM 5780  and/or the school chair consent.
  • COMM 6775 - Professional Project Seminar (1)

    Students will plan and organize the professional project. A formal proposal for the project is produced.
  • COMM 6800 - Readings (1-3)

    Guided study in the literature of special and related fields of communication. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): 15 semester hours of graduate credit.
  • COMM 6890 - Research Problems (1-6)

    Supervised research in contemporary problems in communication. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours

Communication Disorders

  • CD 5101 - Professional Issues in Communication Disorders (2)

    Integration of knowledge and problem solving applied to professional and ethical decision making in communication disorders. The case study approach will be emphasized. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program and must be taken prior to the internship.
  • CD 5402 - Advanced Issues in Child Language Disorders (3)

    Theories, etiologies, and assessment/intervention procedures for children with severe and /or multiple language impairments and language related literacy impairments. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program and CD 3501.
  • CD 5403 - Autism: Communication Across the Lifespan Course (2)

    This course will provide an overview of speech and language, behavioral characteristics, and possible etiologies of autism spectrum disorders. Information regarding appropriate informal and formal assessments and treatment options for students with autism will be included. Guidelines for assessment and intervention will be provided, including factors to consider when selecting a communications system, functional assessment of challenging behavior and structured teaching methods that are proven effective with this population. Environmental supports and working with family members effectively will also be included. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5404 - Assessment and Treatment of Language-Based Literacy Disorders (3)

    Addresses language and cognitive systems involved in encoding, decoding, and comprehension as related to reading, spelling, and writing disorders and the impact of oral language disorders (phonological, morphological, syntactical and semantic systems) on the development of literacy skills. Application of literacy research to assessment and intervention of language disorders that impact reading, spelling, and writing will be provided. Students will investigate the crucial role speech-language pathologists and other professionals play in early identification of children at risk. This course is co-listed with CD 4404. Prerequisite(s): school consent.
  • CD 5501 - Articulatory and Phonological Disorders (3)

    Best practices in the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of young children exhibiting, or at risk for exhibiting, articulatory/phonological disorders and phonological awareness deficits. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5502 - Fluency Disorders (2)

    Theories, etiologies and assessment/intervention procedures for individuals with fluency disorders (developmental, psychogenic and neurogenic stuttering and cluttering) across the lifespan. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5503 - Voice Disorders (3)

    Nature, assessment and intervention of voice disorders resulting from functional, organic or neurological origin. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5504 - Adult Neurogenic Language Disorders (2)

    Aphasia, its possible etiologies, characteristics, diagnostic evaluations and therapy; head trauma, the language of confusion, and other language problems of the aging population. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5506 - Motor Speech Disorders (3)

    Clinical evaluation and treatment of persons with motor speech disorders (dysarthria and apraxia) resulting from neurogenic etiology. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5507 - Research Projects in Speech-Language Pathology (2)

    Individual study and/or research in speech-language pathology. Prerequisite(s): Graduate adviser consent. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5508 - Adult Swallowing Disorders (2)

    Develops diagnostic and treatment skills in the management of swallowing disorders in children and adults. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5509 - Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders (2)

    Evaluation and treatment of feeding and swallowing disorders in children with emphasis on medical diagnoses and interfering environmental factors. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5511 - Assistive Technology Across the Lifespan (2)

    Assessment and intervention techniques for persons with communication impairments who require assistive technologies; emphasis on broad range of etiologies across the lifespan. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5512 - Clinical Management (2)

    The course focuses on introducing concepts related to clinical practice including the fundamentals of assessment and intervention, treatment planning, professional writing, and professional behavior. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program.  Permission from the Graduate Advisor. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5515 - Rehabilitation of Cognitive Linguistic Communication Disorders (2)

    Exploration of normal and impaired cognitive-linguistic processing, highlighting processing deficits in traumatic brain injury. Methods to assess-treat cognitive-linguistic impairments will be discussed. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5608 - Aural Rehabilitation (3)

    Effects of hearing impairment of verbal communication. Principles and methods of aural rehabilitation. This course is co-listed with CD 4708. Prerequisite(s): CD 4706.
  • CD 5801 - Internship in Communication Disorders (4)

    Scheduled by the Director of Clinical Services, the internship requires ten weeks of full fulltime practicum in a hospital or rehabilitation setting during the student’s last semester of enrollment in the graduate program. Prerequisite(s): Director of Clinical Services consent two semesters in advance. Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5802 - Externship in Communication Disorders: Educational Setting (3)

    The externship is a three-day-a-week school placement completed during the last fall or spring prior to the internship semester.  The graduate student will maintain the schedule of the school-based SLP on these days. This course will also have on-campus related activities (meetings, discussion boards, assignments, etc.).  This experience is designed to provide the graduate student clinician with advanced specialized practice in management of communication and swallowing disorders for the school aged population. An additional fee is associated with this course. Prerequisite(s): Consent of school Director of Clinical Services two semesters in advance. Special exceptions with school consent. Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5810 - Graduate Clinical Practicum (1)

    Orientation to advanced specialized practice in management of communication and swallowing disorders. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5811 - Advanced Graduate Clinical Practicum (1)

    Advanced specialized practice in management of communication and swallowing disorders.  Requires a 3.00 graduate GPA in CD courses. Must be repeated for a minimum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5820 - Offsite Clinical Practicum (2)

    The mandatory off-site placement requires a minimum of 12-15 hours per week at an off-site placement completed during the graduate program. The experience is designed to provide the graduate student with an introduction and practice in the management of speech, language, hearing, and swallowing disorders with the emphasis on pediatric disorders. The off-site experience will allow students to generalize clinical skills to academic coursework. Based on availability, this experience may include experience with adults. This course is required for a minimum of one semester during the six semester program prior to externship and/or internship. Repeating the course will require instructor approval. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the graduate program in Communication Disorders program at the University of Central Missouri. Permission from the Graduate Advisor and Off-Site Placement Coordinator.

      An additional fee is associated with this course.

  • CD 5900 - Seminar in Communication Disorders (2)

    Detailed studies in a specialized area of communication disorders. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5902 - Research Design in Communication Disorders (3)

    An introduction to research design strategies in communication disorders. Prerequisite(s): PSY 3030 or  PSY 5050  or equivalent. Must be admitted to the Speech- Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 5910 - Praxis Exam Preparation for Speech-Language Pathology (1)

    Designed to facilitate self-study in preparation for taking the Praxis Examination in Speech-Language Pathology. Prerequisite(s): Must enroll in CD 5910 prior to taking the Praxis Exam and completing CD 5801 , or school consent. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CD 6901 - Thesis (1-5)

    Special Investigation of an approved problem in communication disorders resulting in a formal thesis. Prerequisite(s): 15 hours of graduate credit. Must be admitted to the Speech-Language Pathology Master of Science Program. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Computer Information Systems

  • CIS 5604 - Technology Driven Business (3)

    Information technologies are playing a major role in business developments: from market research to product developments, from empowering customers to item delivery. Businesses that started as online book store, now deliver ready to cook groceries at home. This course will explore future possibilities in business ideas and business operations. A graduate level research paper is required.
  • CIS 5605 - Information Management Systems (2)

    Information gathering, storage, analysis, and communication as it relates to decision making in today’s business environment. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MBA program and BADM 5400 .
  • CIS 5606 - Advanced Applications Development Using Visual C# (3)

    Developing complex, distributed and scalable applications to solve real world business problems. Applications will be developed in Visual C# using technologies such as .Net Remoting, ADO.Net Entity Framework, XML and WPF. Prerequisite(s): CIS 2605 or equivalent.
  • CIS 5607 - Data Communications and LAN (3)

    Fundamental concepts needed to develop and work with data communication systems, including hardware, software, LANS, and network topology.
  • CIS 5610 - Internet for the Enterprise (3)

    Seminar on internet from both a technical and organizational/managerial viewpoint. Prerequisite(s): CIS 1605.
  • CIS 5611 - Client-side Internet Resources (3)

    Developing client based, multi-platform, dynamic Web content in support of strong Web design. A variety of tools and standards such as XML, DHTML, Flash, and AJAX will be considered along with emphasis on robust Web design philosophy. Prerequisite(s): CIS 5610 .
  • CIS 5612 - Server-side Internet Resources (3)

    Develop server-based dynamic Web content and manage Web server resources. Emphasis will be placed on technical aspects such as Web server performance, security and effective use of Web services. Prerequisite(s): CIS 5611  or concurrently.
  • CIS 5630 - Management Information Systems (3)

    Use of information technology for decision making and formulation of long- and short-term information systems plans. Working knowledge of systems analysis, design and development, understanding of conceptual and technical foundations and recent research issues. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MBA program and graduate adviser consent.
  • CIS 5640 - Healthcare Information Systems (3)

    Provides knowledge and practical insights into implementation, management and meaningful use of healthcare information systems. It provides students with the necessary understanding of healthcare needs, multiple stakeholders and unique challenges that healthcare industry presents for implementing information systems. Topics include data quality, information security, information systems integration, challenges and impact of electronic health records, the role and responsibilities of the IT department and strategic planning for IT use in a health care setting.
  • CIS 5650 - Managing Information Security in Organizations (3)

    The principles and practice of managing corporate information systems, including acquisition, budgeting, development, and personnel issues.
  • CIS 5655 - Advanced Client Server Concepts (3)

    Advanced Data Base Management Systems and network topics in client server systems. Prerequisite(s): CIS 5780  or equivalent.
  • CIS 5656 - Mobile Computing with iOS and Android (3)

    Major emphasis will be in development of robust business and social media applications to be deployed on smart phones, tables and other mobile devices. The applications will be developed in a distributed environment that includes iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android platforms. Java, Objective C and other appropriate programming languages will be used for developing these business applications. Topics include mobile operating systems and development environments, design issues dealing with user interfaces and data issues for mobile devices, location-aware and other context-aware services, and virtualization. Prerequisite(s): CIS 5760  or CIS 5606  and CIS 2665 and CIS 5661  or instructor consent.
  • CIS 5660 - Legal Environment of Information Systems (3)

    An examination of jurisprudence influence and processes on contracts, acquisitions, and security in information systems area. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MS degree in Information Technology or Information Systems area in MBA program.
  • CIS 5661 - Advanced Analysis and Design of Computer Information Systems (3)

    Advanced coverage of systems analysis and design topics, including objected oriented analysis and design. Uses UML. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3660 or equivalent.
  • CIS 5669 - Communications Network Management (3)

    In-depth treatment of planning, designing and managing communications networks; includes feasibility analysis, forecasting, optimizing using network management software. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3605 and admission to MS degree in Information Technology or Information Systems area in MBA program.
  • CIS 5670 - Internship in CIS (3)

    Graduate-level internship giving practical higher-level work experience in the CIS career area. Research component required. Prerequisite(s): Approval of Program Adviser, Internship Director, and HCBA Coordinator of Graduate Programs.
  • CIS 5675 - Project Management (3)

    An advanced course in the planning and management of all phases of the computer information systems project, including the creation, execution, and monitoring of system project plans. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3660 and admission to B.S. in Business Administration, MS degree in Information Technology, or Information Systems area in MBA program.
  • CIS 5680 - Business Intelligence and Analytics (3)

    This course focuses on Oracle Tools and skills for business intelligence. Emphasis is placed on “hands-on” skills with Oracle Data warehouse, Oracle Data Integrator, and Oracle Data Miner. Interesting use cases of business intelligence will be presented and analyzed in class. Prerequisite(s): CIS 5780  or CIS 5780  concurrently.
  • CIS 5681 - Big Data Solutions for Business (3)

    This course focuses on Oracle Big Data solution for business problems. Emphasis is placed on “hands-on” skills with Hadoop HDFS, MapReduce, NoSQL etc. in the process of data acquisition, organization, and integration. The applications and trend of Big Data in businesses will be learned via research and case study. Prerequisite(s): CIS 5780  or concurrently.
  • CIS 5685 - Information Visualization for Big Data Analytics (3)

    This course focuses on information visualization tools for business Big Data. Major topics to cover include basic statistical modeling theory and methods, advanced visualization techniques such as text analysis, dashboard reports design and mechanics, scorecard management, spatial data model and graphics, real-time streaming Big Data visualization. Interesting business use cases will be presented and analyzed in class. Prerequisite(s): CIS 5780  or concurrently.
  • CIS 5686 - Business Applications of Machine and Deep Learning (3)

    Organizations can harness the benefits of the data that they collect by appropriately using the deep learning techniques to create business value. This course will cover basics of machine learning, deep learning and its application to solve complex business problems. Students will learn how Neural Networks, and various other machine and deep learning tools and techniques are used in business decision making like fraud detection, audit, product marketing etc. This course emphasizes on the implementation of deep learning algorithms to find solutions to contemporary business needs by using appropriate tools and techniques. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3625 or CIS 3650 Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CIS 5690 - Advanced Systems Project (2-3)

    Independent study, analysis and development of a specific business computer application. Research component required. Part of the course requirements can be met by working on company projects approved by the adviser. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Approval by the graduate adviser.
  • CIS 5710 - Special Projects (1-3)

    Special projects offerings in computer information systems. Part of the course requirements can be met by working on company project approved by the adviser. This course is co-listed with CIS 4610. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent
  • CIS 5750 - Big Data Architecture (3)

    Planning, design and implementation of network architecture needed to support Big Data projects, including clustering, virtualization, and software defined networks for big data infrastructure. This course is co-listed with CIS 4650. Prerequisite(s): CIS 2665. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CIS 5755 - Software Engineering (3)

    An advanced course in the systematic approach to the specification, development, operation, maintenance, and retirement of software. Topics include formal specification tools, developmental strategies, software metrics, verification and validation techniques. This course is co-listed with CIS 4655. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3660.
  • CIS 5760 - Advanced Applications Development Using JAVA (3)

    Develop object-oriented web-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications for business using JAVA as the programming language. This course is co-listed with CIS 4660. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3625 with a grade of C or better, CIS 3650. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CIS 5765 - Data Communication and Distributed Data Processing (3)

    Topics covered include managing and monitoring cloud and distributed data communication networks. The concepts covered enable students to pursue one or more Azure certifications. This course is co-listed with CIS 4665. Prerequisite(s): CIS 2665.
  • CIS 5780 - Data Resource Management (3)

    Designing and administering data resources with consideration of advanced data concepts, database programming, administration and security, transaction management, data mining, data warehousing, and multimedia data processing. This course is co-listed with CIS 4680. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3650 or equivalent or admission to the MS CIS & IT or admission to MBA (Information Systems area or Data Analytics and Business Intelligence area). An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CIS 6610 - Readings in Computer Information Systems (1-3)

    Selected readings in computer information systems to extend student’s understanding of the use of the computer in various business areas and his/her knowledge of current hardware and software in the field. Part of the course requirements can be met by working on company projects approved by the adviser. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Approval by the graduate adviser.

Computer Science

  • CS 5000 - Special Topics in Computer Science (1-3)

    Individual reading and research on some topic not included in the regular offerings of the school. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • CS 5010 - Seminar in Computer Science (1-3)

    For presentation of those topics in computer science not included in the regular offerings of the school. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • CS 5020 - Internship in Computer Science (1-3)

    Graduate level internship providing practical high level work experience in the computer science career area. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Computer science committee and graduate adviser consent.
  • CS 5030 - Readings in Computer Science (1-5)

    Selected reading in computer science designed to deepen and expand the student’s understanding of an area of interest. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
  • CS 5040 - Master’s Project (3)

    Project in an area of computer science which fulfills a requirement in the graduate degree program. Part of the course requirements might be met by working on company projects approved by the adviser. Prerequisite(s): Consent of adviser and Computer Science Committee.
  • CS 5110 - Advanced Applications Programming in C# and .NET (3)

    Advanced application development using the Microsoft .NET framework. Topics include hands-on experience in both server-side programming using a variety of Microsoft .NET technologies such as LINQ, WPF, WCF, ADO.NET and ASP.NET. Prerequisite(s): CS 3110.
  • CS 5120 - Advanced Mobile Applications Development with Android (3)

    An introduction to mobile computing with a strong emphasis on application development for the Android operating system. Topics include Android Development Environment, user interfaces, audio, persistence, SQLite databases, location, sensors, and graphics. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300 or consent of the instructor.
  • CS 5130 - Advanced Web Applications and Services Development (3)

    A graduate level course which covers the advanced topics in web programming, including client and server side scripting, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, other popular web programming techniques, vulnerabilities and testing of web applications. Prerequisite(s): CS 3120 or consent of the instructor.
  • CS 5200 - Database Theory and Applications (3)

    An introduction to database theory and applications. Topics include: E-R model, relational database design, normalization theory, SQL, application design and development, security, and database administration. A significant application-oriented project will be required. This course is co-listed with CS 4600. Prerequisite(s): (CS 1400 or MATH 2410) and CS 2300. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 5220 - Advanced Applications Programming in Java (3)

    A continued exploration of the Java programming language with an emphasis in utilizing more advanced features of the language in software development. Topics include generics, multithreading, networking, JavaFX, databases, servlets, and JSP. This course is co-listed with CS 4120. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 5300 - Advanced Algorithms (3)

    Techniques needed to analyze algorithms, divide-and-conquer approach, matrix manipulation, dynamic programming, greedy approach, backtracking, branch-and-bound, and NPcompleteness.
  • CS 5500 - Advanced Operating Systems (3)

    An in-depth study of advanced topics in the field of operating systems such as protection and security, distributed system structures, distributed file systems, multiprocessor operating systems, interprocess communication, parallel and concurrent programming.
  • CS 5600 - Advanced Database Systems (3)

    An in-depth study of advanced topics in the field of database systems such as data storage, query processing and optimization, transaction management, concurrency control, recovery, data warehouse and data mining, NoSQL databases, and advanced application development. Prerequisite(s): CS 4600.
  • CS 5610 - Introduction to Cloud Computing (3)

    An introduction and broad view of cloud computing and its applications. Topics include datacenter architectures, distributed computing models and technologies, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), virtualization, microservices and containerization, security issues, commercial cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. This course is co-listed with CS 4610. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300 or CS 2400 or consent of instructor. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 5620 - Big Data: Storage, Analytics, and Visualization (3)

    An introduction in different technologies for handling the ever increasing 3Vs (Volume, Velocity, and Variety) of data. Topics include: NoSQL databases, map reduce and Hadoop, machine learning on clusters, visualization frameworks for big data. Prerequisite(s): CS 5200  or consent of instructor.
  • CS 5700 - Artificial Intelligence (3)

    This course provides opportunities to learn the elements and techniques of artificial intelligence and how they apply to daily life.  Concepts and methods are illustrated with real-world applications. This course is co-listed with CS 4700. Prerequisite(s): (CS 2400 or MATH 2410) and CS 2300. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 5710 - Machine Learning (3)

    Provides opportunities to learn various machine learning techniques to model data for classification and prediction. Concepts and methods are illustrated with real-world applications. This course is co-listed with CS 4710. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300 and (MATH 1152 or CS 3400) or instructor consent. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 5720 - Neural Network and Deep Learning (3)

    This course provides opportunities to learn fundamental concepts and techniques for neural network and deep learning and their applications. Concepts and methods are illustrated with real-world applications. This course is co-listed with CS 4720. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor or CS 1030, CS 2300, and (CS 4710 or CS 5710 ).
  • CS 5730 - Image Processing and Computer Vision (3)

    This course provides opportunities to learn fundamental concepts and techniques for image processing and computer vision and their applications. Concepts and methods are illustrated with real-world applications. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor or CS 1030, CS 4300, and (CS 4710 or CS 5710 ).
  • CS 5810 - Computer Graphics (3)

    An introduction to computer graphics topics include: basic geometric primitives, transformations, clippings, viewing, color models, animation, and rendering Programming: using OpenGL and appropriate languages. This course is co-listed with CS 4810. Prerequisite(s): CS 2300 and CS 3500. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • CS 5900 - Compiler Design and Construction (3)

    Compiler concepts including finite-state machines, top-down and bottom-up parsing, and syntax directed translation. The topics of regular grammars, context-free grammars, lexical analysis, LL(k) grammars, LR(k) grammars, Lex and Yacc will be discussed. Prerequisite(s): CS 3100 or instructor consent.
  • CS 6010 - Thesis (3)

    Research in an area of computer science, directed by a graduate faculty member, which leads to the completion of a thesis. Must repeat for 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.

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