Sep 27, 2024  
2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


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  • AGRI 4330 - Soils Management (3)

    Principles of soils management as applied to physical improvement and fertility maintenance of soils. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 2330 .
  • AGRI 4340 - Agricultural Sprays and Chemicals (3: 3 lecture, 0 lab)

    Types of agricultural chemicals and their application in control of insects, parasites, and weeds. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 2330 ; AGRI 1310  or AGRI 2315 . Fall.
  • AGRI 4410 - General Veterinary Science (3)

    Anatomy, physiology, disease control, parasitic control, and sanitation of farm animals. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420  and CHEM 1104 . Spring.
  • AGRI 4415 - Reproduction of Farm Animals (3)

    Reproductive physiology of farm animals with practice in evaluation of semen, artificial insemination, and methods of pregnancy diagnosis. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420  and AGRI 3410 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
  • AGRI 4430 - Animal Science: Beef (3)

    Systems of beef production. Includes breeding, feeding, and management of commercial and purebred beef. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Spring.
  • AGRI 4435 - Animal Science: Pork (3)

    Systems of pork production. Includes breeding, feeding, and management of commercial and purebred swine. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Spring.
  • AGRI 4440 - Advanced Beef Cattle and Swine Production (4: 3 lecture, 1 lab)

    Management techniques utilized in commercial and purebred beef cattle and swine production. The four production segments for each industry will be covered. For each segment of the industry, appropriate information pertaining to reproduction, genetics and selection strategies, nutrition, and health management will be discussed in class lecture and performed in hands-on laboratories. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1420  and AGRI 2425   An additional fee is associated with this class. Not available for graduate credit.
  • AGRI 4600 - Horticultural Plants I: Woody (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Identification, description, climatic adaptation, classification, characteristics and best landscape use of woody horticultural trees and shrubs. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1600  or BIOL 1111 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
  • AGRI 4605 - Horticultural Plants II: Herbaceous (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Identification, description, adaptation, classification, cultural characteristics and best use of herbaceous horticultural plants. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1600 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AGRI 4610 - Turfgrass Science (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)

    Selection, identification, establishment and maintenance of turfgrasses. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 1600  and AGRI 2330 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • AGRI 4800 - Topics in Agriculture (1-3)

    Individual investigation of a special problem in agriculture in the student’s major field not available under regular classes. May be accomplished by reports, surveys, discussions, bibliographies, experiments, and library research. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): consent.
  • AGRI 4900 - Planning and Conducting Programs in Agricultural Education (2)

    Development and organization of vocational agriculture programs at the secondary level to meet the needs of local schools and community.
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.
  • AGRI 4910 - Supervised Agriculture Experience Programs in Agricultural Education (2)

    Understandings and competencies required to establish, administer, and evaluate supervised agricultural experience programs. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 4930 .
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.
  • AGRI 4920 - Lab Management in Agricultural Education (2)

    The selection and organization of teaching materials for agriculture labs, planning facilities, selection of supplies essential in establishing and teaching agriculture labs. Prerequisite(s): AGRI 4900 .
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.
  • AGRI 4930 - Methods of Teaching Agricultural Education (2)

    Fundamentals of Agricultural Education including: Foundations of Agricultural Education, methods of teaching Ag Ed, teaching special populations, and evaluation of the learning process. Prerequisite(s): admission to Teacher Education Program.
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.
  • AGRI 4940 - Secondary Field Experience II (1)

    Experiences in the secondary school classroom that provide the teacher candidate more advanced involvement in the teaching-learning process. Prerequisite(s): admission to Teacher Education Program; should be taken concurrently with AGRI 4930  during the Professional semester. Not available for graduate credit. Spring.
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.


  • ANTH 1810 - Human Prehistory GE (3)

    Surveys the empirical evidence of fossils and artifacts for human biological and cultural origins from circa five million to five thousand years ago.
  • ANTH 1820 - Cultural Anthropology GE (3)

    Surveys the origin, development, and varieties of contemporary cultures, including non- Western; comparisons of technology, customs, groups, and institutions between and among these cultures; implications of earlier cultures for modern society.
    Sustainability Course
    This is a sustainability course.
  • ANTH 2820 - Anthropology of Food GE (3)

    Delves into how and why we eat what we eat. Students approach food, drink, spices, and drugs in terms of evolution and culture.
  • ANTH 2830 - Hoax and Myth in Anthropology (3)

    The anatomy of significant archaeological hoaxes, outrageous claims, and anthropology in popular culture are examined. This course provides tools and critical thinking skills for evaluation of claims and proposed evidence in science and pseudo-science.
  • ANTH 2845 - Physical Anthropology (3)

    The biology of the human organism; primatology, primate paleontology, and fossil hominids; the role of genetics in evolutionary theory; basic ideas in population genetics, and racial variation.
  • ANTH 3810 - Applied Anthropology (3)

    Applications of the four major subfields of anthropology: cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics.
    Sustainability Course
    This is a sustainability course.
  • ANTH 3820 - World Archaeology (3)

    An examination of societies that are now extinct and an introduction to the field and laboratory methods used to reconstruct their cultures.
  • ANTH 3830 - Anthropological Linguistics (3)

    Introduction to study of languages and their acquisition, phonology, morphology and syntax, orthography, modality and proxemics. Students also complete observations of language use among primates and human populations, and create their own languages.
  • ANTH 3840 - Human Variation (3)

    Recent human physical variation is studied through the concepts of biogeography, microevolution, genetics, and anatomy. This course provides context to address differences and similarities of human groups around the world today.
  • ANTH 3850 - Peoples of the World (3)

    A survey of extant indigenous and non-Western cultures with a focus on 21st century cultural developments, and application of cross-cultural and material culture study methods.
  • ANTH 4810 - Forensic Anthropology (3)

    The study of human skeletons and bone structure, including the proper identification of variations of age, sex, ancestry and causes of death. Not available for graduate credit.
  • ANTH 4815 - Special Projects in Anthropology (1-6)

    Study, interpretation, and discussion of special topics and problems in anthropology. May be repeated for a maximum of 15 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
  • ANTH 4820 - Anthropology of Gender (3)

    Explores cultural factors influencing roles of women and men in a variety of cultures, from small foraging bands to large industrialized states. Topics include cultural influences on sexual equality, sexual hierarchy, heterosexuality, and homosexuality.
  • ANTH 4830 - Archaeological Field Research (3)

    Field experience in which students learn archaeological methods of surveying, recording and excavation, as well as how and why we investigate and preserve sites.
  • ANTH 4835 - Anthropological Study Tour (3)

    A faculty-led course abroad allowing students to incorporate and apply anthropological theories and practices in an international experience, such as assessing museum exhibits.
  • ANTH 4840 - Historical Archaeology (3)

    The study of artifacts, architecture, and other material culture to address anthropological topics, such as race, gender, and class, within historic North America.
  • ANTH 4850 - The North American Indian (3)

    The anthropological study of the native peoples of America north of Mexico; the physical types of American Indian populations; the comparative study of native American languages, North American prehistory, and North American ethnology.
  • ANTH 4860 - Museum Studies (3)

    Introduction to museum professionalism, including ethical and legal concerns, collections care, exhibition and interpretation, and curatorship. Includes field experience and practicum hours in museum collections.
  • ANTH 4870 - Ethnographic Methods (3)

    Introduction to ethnography and ethnographic method, including IRB training, participant observation, data collection, data analysis, and writing ethnography. Students will perform their own ethnographic research.
    Sustainability Course
    This is a sustainability course.
  • ANTH 4880 - Human Evolution (3)

    Fossils of human ancestors are assessed through the concepts of primate comparative anatomy, behavior, macroevolution, and genetics.  This course deeply investigates what it means to be human through our ancestors and relatives.
  • ANTH 4885 - Practicum (1-6)

    Field-based research and training for Anthropology majors, to include internships, lab practica, and conducting original research projects. Prerequisite(s): Anthropology major. Not available for graduate credit.
  • ANTH 4890 - Anthropology Senior Seminar (3)

    A capstone course that integrates the ethics, theories, and methods of all subfields of anthropology through in-depth readings, discussion, research, and presentations. Required for all Anthropology majors. Not available for graduate credit.

Art and Design

  • ART 1010 - Special Projects in Art (1-3)

    May be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Offered as needed.
  • ART 1110 - Drawing I (3)

    Basic principles of perspective and composition through problems in landscape and still life. Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 1120 - Drawing II (3)

    Compositional drawing in various media including ink wash and pen and ink. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110 . Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 1300 - Interior Design Drafting I (3)

    This is an introductory course in freehand sketching, manual drafting and computer-aided drafting/design (CAD). The course introduces students to the sketching and drafting skills and techniques necessary for design communication and presentation of interior design solutions. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 1315 - 2-D Design (3)

    Introduces the use of the visual elements within the context of the principles of design. An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 1325 - Color and Design (3)

    The study of color, its application within the design process and its use as an integral component in design. Prerequisite(s): ART 1315 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 1610 - Web Languages GE (3)

    An introduction to computer code languages used in content creation for online media. Students will use HTML to structure web pages and place text, images, and multimedia, CSS to format elements for style and communication, and Javascript to manage interactions in web accessible media.
  • ART 1620 - Web Graphics GE (3)

    An introduction to the production of visual and graphical assets and their integration with web language code for design and communication in web accessible media. An examination of the social, political, cultural, and economic context of images and graphics online.
  • ART 1800 - Ideas and the Visual Arts GE (3)

    Engages students in critical and creative thinking about broad topics in the visual arts ranging from questions about the nature of art (aesthetics), to describing and interpreting works of art (art criticism), to art historical and cultural contexts (art history), and elements and principles of art and design (studio art). Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 1815 - Art History Survey I (3)

    An introductory survey of art in the Western world from prehistoric origins through the Middle Ages (caves to cathedrals) using art historical description and interpretation based on the social, cultural, intellectual, political, and religious contexts that produced it. Fall.
  • ART 1825 - Art History Survey II (3)

    An introductory survey of art in the Western world from the Middle Ages to the art of today using art historical description and interpretation based on the social, cultural, intellectual, political, and religious contexts that produced it.
  • ART 1835 - Global Arts and Culture GE (3)

    A survey of the visual, cultural and aesthetic developments of sculpture, paintings, and architecture in non-Western traditions: Asian, African, Islamic Art, Oceanic Art and Art of the Americas.
  • ART 2010 - Special Projects in Art (1-3)

    May be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Offered as needed.
  • ART 2300 - Interior Design Drafting II (3)

    An advanced course building upon skill acquired in ART 1300  Interior Design Drafting I. The course offers advanced instruction on 3D modeling through building information modeling (BIM), parametric building design, and rendering necessary for design communication and presentation of interior design solutions. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 1300 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 2305 - Interior Design Presentation Techniques (3)

    The techniques necessary for the presentation of interior design solutions. Both traditional media and computer-aided technology will be implemented. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 1325  and ART 2310 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
  • ART 2310 - Interior Design Studio I (3)

    An overview of the profession with an introduction to necessary skills for the practice of interior design: creative problem solving, space planning, drafting, presentation techniques. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110  and ART 1315 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Spring.
  • ART 2320 - Building Systems and Sustainability (3)

    Provides an overview of construction and building systems as they relate to interior design. Provide knowledge of theoretical and technical content of interior design practice. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 1120  and ART 2310  for art majors; CADD 1110  or consent of instructor for nonmajors. An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 2330 - Interior Design Studio II (3)

    A study of traditional interior design problems. An emphasis in architectural interior elements, interior surfaces, finishes, and application. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 2320  for art majors; consent of instructor for nonmajors. An additional fee is associated with this course. Spring.
  • ART 2335 - 3-D Design (3)

    Exploration of design on a three-dimensional level utilizing design principles in the development of structural forms and the manipulation of physical space. Prerequisite(s): ART 1315 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 2340 - Materials, Methods and Specifications (3)

    Introduction to the materials utilized in interior design. Additional information on installation and appropriate use and care. Emphasis placed on developing and writing specifications. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 2310 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 2350 - Interior Design Building Codes and Regulations (3)

    To develop an understanding of the codes, regulations, guidelines and standards that affect the interior design of both residential and commercial buildings. Opportunities to work with and apply regulations to a wide range of interior scenarios. Prerequisite(s): ART 2320 . Spring.
  • ART 2360 - Interior Design Environmental Systems (3)

    Intermediate work in interior design involving environmental systems with emphasis placed on the understanding and application of acoustics, air quality and lighting design and documentation for interiors. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 2320 . Spring.
  • ART 2412 - Ceramics I (3)

    Basic skills on the three pottery making methods: e.g., slab, coil, and pottery wheel with emphasis on aesthetic qualities. Wheel throwing will be accented. Basic experiences in kiln stacking and firing. An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 2420 - Sculpture I (3)

    Fundamentals in sculpture including additive, subtractive, and construction techniques. An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 2511 - Painting I (3)

    The creative art process with emphasis on the basic visual concepts and styles, ranging from the care and use of painting tools to the execution of paintings, and including some painting history. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110  and ART 1315 . Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 2610 - Introduction to Graphic Design and Illustration (3)

    Basic orientation to the field of commercial art. Presentation skills, use of tools and materials. Creative problem solving in the areas of advertising, publication, graphic design, and illustration. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110  and ART 1315 . Graphic arts majors - GRAP 2030  and GRAP 2031 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 2620 - Typography (3)

    Principles of design and usage of letter forms and alphabet styles provide the basis for experiments in spacing, arrangement, and integration of typographic and other graphic elements on the printed page. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110  and ART 1315 . Graphic arts majors - GRAP 2030  and GRAP 2031 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 2710 - Printmaking I (3)

    Designed to acquaint the student with the basics of various printmaking processes. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110  and ART 1315 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3110 - Drawing III (3)

    The application of fundamentals of drawing to creative problems in figure, still life, and landscape composition. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 1120  and ART 3209 . Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 3209 - Figure Construction (3)

    The skeletal and muscular construction of the human figure as it relates to the action and proportions of the figure. Drawing from life. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3210 - Life Drawing (3)

    Drawing from a live model with the emphasis on techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 3209 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3314 - Fibers (3)

    Basic course in the fundamentals and techniques of creating on and off loom structures and fabrics. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3320 - Professional Practice for Interior Design I (1)

    Provides an introduction to business practices and procedures as they apply specifically to the professional practice of interior design. Students will develop a basic understanding of the interior design field and develop a plan for obtaining an internship. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 2310 . Spring, in even numbered years only
  • ART 3330 - Interior Design Studio III (3)

    Involves intermediate level work in interior design studio problems related to retail and hospitality with an emphasis on experience design, safety and environmental comfort for interiors. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 2330 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
  • ART 3340 - Interior Detailing and Furniture Design (3)

    The detailing of interior environments and furniture design to include casework and furnishings through a coordinated study of structure, style, and materials. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 2320 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 3350 - Construction Documentation for Interior Design (3)

    Studio course that engages students in the practice of communicating design intentions and construction quality to other building professionals through the creation of construction drawings. Partial set of construction documents utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM) system will be created. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): ART 2330 . Fee: An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
  • ART 3412 - Ceramics II (3)

    Extended studio research in pottery design and forming. Technical methods in the preparation of clay bodies, glazes, and kiln firing and maintenance. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 2412 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 3420 - Sculpture II (3)

    An intermediate level studio art course in sculpture focusing on the introduction of various 3D techniques, materials, media and advancing the student’s ability to solve artistic problems. Prerequisite(s): ART 2420 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3440 - Sculpture III (3)

    An advanced-intermediate level studio art course in sculpture that builds on and adds to the student’s repertoire of 3D techniques, materials, media and increases their ability to solve artistic problems. Prerequisite(s): ART 3420 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3510 - Watercolor (3)

    Application of principles of composition in the medium of transparent watercolor. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110  and ART 1315 . Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 3511 - Painting II (3)

    Study and practice in basic painting techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 2511 . Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • ART 3513 - Painting II: Plein Air (3)

    Working in the landscape utilizing direct observation to study and practice basic painting skills. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 2511 . Fall.
  • ART 3515 - Painting II: Figure (3)

    Working from the figure utilizing direct observation to study and practice basic painting skills. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 2511 . Spring.
  • ART 3620 - Logo/Trademark Design (3)

    The design of symbolic and lettergraphic identifiers, practical application of symbols, signs, and visual metaphors from simple logotypes to sophisticated corporate identity programs. Prerequisite(s): ART 2610  and ART 2620 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3625 - Illustration Techniques (3)

    The application of wet and dry media with various surfaces to achieve a range of visual effects with an emphasis on exploration and experimentation. Nineteenth and twentieth century illustrators’ works are studied as a means of understanding visual possibilities and styles. Prerequisite(s): ART 2610 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
  • ART 3630 - Design for Advertising (3)

    Advertising concepts, layout, client presentation for print application. Developing, visualizing, and communicating effective advertising for magazines, newspapers, and outdoor posters. Prerequisite(s): ART 2610  and ART 2620 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
  • ART 3635 - Illustration Concepts (3)

    The interpretation of written and verbal information resulting in appropriate and successful visual solutions. Concept and visual vocabulary are stressed as a means of satisfying client needs. Students will begin to identify and build a personal illustrative style. Prerequisite(s): ART 3625 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Spring.
  • ART 3640 - Package Design (3)

    Packaging and point-of-sale graphics from concept to client presentation. Prerequisite(s): ART 3620 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 3650 - Narrative Animation (3)

    Introduction to the field of animation including time-based works, story development, character design, sound, and digital multimedia. Exploration of technologies, methods and concepts in narrative animation. Prerequisite(s): ART 2610 . Spring.
  • ART 3660 - Publication Design (3)

    Publications as design problems. The design of folders, brochures and soft- bound print pieces through the manipulation of type, photos, art, paper and grid systems. Prerequisite(s): ART 2610  and ART 2620 . An additional fee is associated with this course.
  • ART 3680 - History of Graphic Design (3)

    A survey of graphic design from pre-history through the digital age introduced by analysis of major works and movements of graphic design within the context of their time and influence on later works. Spring, Summer.
  • ART 3710 - Printmaking II (3)

    Advanced techniques are explored in one or more of the four printmaking processes. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 2710 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3720 - Printmaking III (3)

    Individual artistic direction is developed in one of the four printmaking processes. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): ART 3710 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 3800 - History of Furniture and Interiors I (3)

    Surveys the influence of culture, significant events, and technology on the development of furniture and interior design from ancient civilizations through the fourteenth century. Fall.
  • ART 3850 - History of Furniture and Interiors II (3)

    Surveys the influence of culture, significant events, and technology on the development of furniture and interior design from the fifteenth century (Baroque period) to present day. Student owned laptop and software are required for this course. Spring.
  • ART 3910 - Art for Elementary Schools (2)

    Elements of art structure and the principles of composition and their application in creative visual art experiences, especially adapted for children ages 4 through 12. An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring, Summer.
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.
  • ART 3911 - Art Education Foundations and Literacy (2)

    The first in a series of four art education methods courses and is designed to introduce students to current theory in the art education field, including holistic development, literacy in the visual arts, lesson planning, and studio processes. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110  and ART 1315 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall.
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.
  • ART 3915 - Methods of Teaching Art I: Media and Curriculum (2)

    The art teacher’s role in teaching art production, art history, art criticism and aesthetics, along classroom management for children ages 4 through 12, will be explored. Prerequisite(s): ART 1110 , ART 1315 , ART 3911 . Corequisite(s): FLDX 3000 . An additional fee is associated with this course. Spring.
    Professional Education Course
    This is a professional education course.
  • ART 4010 - Special Projects in Art (1-3)

    May be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): instructor consent. Offered as needed.
    Sustainability Course
    This is a sustainability course.
  • ART 4020 - Studio Seminar (3)

    By arrangement, with consent of the instructor involved, and through individual directed study. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): senior year with consent. An additional fee is associated with this course. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 4221 - Art Theory and Criticism (3)

    Examines art theory, aesthetics, ethics, political and economic values, sociology, psychology, art history, visual culture and art criticism specific to global visual art worlds using critical and creative thinking and the prior art knowledge of artists, graphic designers, illustrators, interior designers and art educators. Prerequisite(s): junior standing, senior standing or graduate status. Fall, Spring.
  • ART 4310 - Interior Design Internship (1-3)

    A required course for interior design majors operated in conjunction with various business firms, wherein students are afforded the opportunity of working alongside professional designers in the field. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): a major on the undergraduate level of either interior design or commercial art and with approval of departmental committee. Not available for graduate credit. Fall, Spring, Summer.

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