Mar 28, 2025  
2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Services and Facilities

Academic Advisement

Academic advising is critical to the success, satisfaction, retention and graduation of University of Central Missouri students. Academic advising is an ongoing interactive process involving the student, professional academic advisors, faculty advisors, and the institution. The primary goal of academic advising is to assist students in the development and accomplishment of meaningful educational plans that are compatible with their life goals. Academic advisors help undergraduates plan career opportunities, determine degree and/or certificate programs, select courses and coordinate their academic progress.

The University of Central Missouri has created an advising system designed to meet the needs of all students. The Gateway Advising and Major Exploration Center serves all Open Option students. Students pursing the General Studies major, as well as non-degree-seeking students (includes visiting high school and college students), and Aviation students at Whiteman Air Force Base are served by the Office of Extended Studies. High school students participating in dual credit are advised by the Dual Credit Office. Conditionally admitted students (UCM Advantage Program) are dually served by the Learning Commons and the appropriate college advising center. International exchange students are dually served by the International Center and the appropriate college advising center. All other students are assigned to the colleges for advising by both professional academic advisors and faculty advisors. Students can find the name and email address of their assigned academic advisor on their MyCentral home page.

The offices which provide academic advisement are:

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Martin 124, 660-543-4814,

Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies
Ward Edwards 1600, 660-543-8577,

College of Education
Lovinger 2160, 660-543-4888,

College of Health, Science, and Technology
Administration 105, 660-543-4554,

Gateway Advising and Major Exploration Center
Dockery 203, 660-543-4721,

Extended Studies
Humphreys 410, 660-543-4984,

Learning Commons
JCK Library 3160, 660-543-8972;

The International Center
Elliott Student Union 302, 660-543-4195;

Dual Credit Office
Humphreys 401, 660-543-4876;

Academic Enrichment

Humphreys 127; 660-543-4061; fax 660-543-4829

The Department of Academic Enrichment (AE) provides support for students throughout their university experience. AE courses and programs prepare students to be successful from General Education courses all the way through graduate-level studies.

AE courses (see course descriptions at the end of this catalog) earn elective credit towards graduation. Students in Academic Enrichment courses will develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills needed to:

  • Meet or exceed UCM’s academic standards through introductory college courses in composition, mathematics, and reading.
  • Function successfully at UCM through courses designed to orient students to the university environment, college studies, and critical thinking.

Outside of class, AE supports students’ growth and development through various academic programs and services offered through the Learning Commons.

JCK Library 3160, 660-543-8972;

The Learning Commons, located on the third floor of the JCK Library, houses Tutoring Services, the Writing Center, Supplemental Instruction sessions, and the Test Prep Center. This collaborative learning environment offers students a comfortable place to work, study, and receive individualized assistance. Computer access is also available.

Tutoring Services
JCK Library 3160, 660-543-8972;

Tutoring Services, located in the Learning Commons, is the central location for free academic assistance and tutoring. The center offers individualized help for many courses including all levels of mathematics. The tutoring schedule is available online or by contacting the Learning Commons.

Writing Center
JCK Library 3160, 660-543-8972 or 660-543-4367;
OWL (Online Writing Lab):

The Writing Center, located in the Learning Commons, offers free one-on-one writing instruction and assistance with any paper or writing assignment from first-year courses through graduate theses. The Writing Center has walk-in hours and the availability of appointments. Students may also submit papers through OWL (Online Writing Lab), our online writing service and receive feedback through email.

Supplemental Instruction
JCK Library 3160, 660-543-8972

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program, located in the Learning Commons, offers weekly structured group study sessions for challenging courses. SI sessions are facilitated by trained peer leaders who excelled in the course, and are open to all students enrolled in the supported course. Check with the course instructor to find out if SI is available for a specific course and section.

Test Preparation Center
JCK Library 3160, 660-543-8972;

The Test Prep Center provides electronic and print resources to help students prepare for most exams. Whether you need general suggestions about preparing for you next course exam or plan to take a standardized exam, the Test Prep Center can provide that support. Students can learn what to expect, how to prepare, and be able to practice sample questions for their upcoming exam.

TRIO Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program)
HUM 127, 660-543-8830; fax 660-543-4829;

The McNair Scholars Program, a federally funded TRIO program, serves undergraduates in their junior and senior years to prepare for doctoral study. Students who meet government eligibility requirements and are selected for the program participate in activities including seminars, faculty mentoring, and the opportunity for a paid summer research internship.

TRIO Student Support Services (TRIO-SSS)
HUM 119, 660-543-4394; fax 660-543-4829;

SSS, a federally funded TRIO program, helps U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are first-generation, low-income, and/or disability-challenged persist through graduation. The program provides comprehensive advising, tutoring in high-risk courses, and tuition-free developmental courses. Additional benefits include a laptop loan program and private computer lab for program students.

Accessibility Services (ADA/504)

Elliott Student Union 224; 660-543-4421; fax 660-543-4724;

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) provides students and visitors with disabilities with the services necessary to achieve equal opportunities while at UCM. At the student’s request, OAS will work with faculty, Housing, Facilities and other campus programs to provide opportunities for persons with disabilities. Examples of the disabilities included are learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, orthopedic and mobility issues, mental health, vision, hearing and health issues such as migraines, seizures, HIV, IBS, and diabetes.

Students seeking accommodations will need to provide OAS with recent professional documentation of the disability. The documentation will need to be on a professional letterhead and should provide the diagnosis, the nature of the impairment, if it is permanent or long term, and how it affects the student. Accommodations depend upon the disability and the documentation and might include testing services, text in alternative format, sign language interpreters, or other services. Each semester students must contact OAS if the student wants to utilize accommodations and have instructors notified of accommodations for the new semester. For more information see the OAS Web site or contact OAS.


Max B. Swisher Skyhaven Airport; 660-543-4921

UCM owns and operates the Max B. Swisher Skyhaven Airport located three miles west of Warrensburg on Highway 50. It includes 402 acres of land; a 4,200-foot lighted runway, with a full-length parallel taxiway; a 2,800-foot lighted runway; and buildings for administration, maintenance, and other uses. The airport is a teaching laboratory for the university and a community airport serving the Warrensburg area.

Alumni Association

Achauer House, 314 Holden Street; 660-543-8000;

The University of Central Missouri’s first graduating class founded the alumni association, which today has more than 88,000 members throughout the world. Its primary mission is to keep graduates connected with each other and to their alma mater. The association hosts alumni gatherings throughout Missouri and the country. Its largest annual event is Homecoming, which includes reunions for a wide variety of academic areas and student organizations. The UCM Alumni Association seeks to recognize the accomplishments of alumni through four annual awards: the Distinguished Alumni Award, Distinguished International Alumni Award, Distinguished Alumni Award for Service, and Outstanding Recent Alumni Award. Children of alumni who attend UCM may apply for designated scholarships.

Membership in the UCM Alumni Association is part of every student’s degree package. Members receive the quarterly magazine, “Today,” as well as invitations to events and programs in their area. Other benefits include help with reunion planning and locating other alumni, access to university facilities, bookstore discounts, and career assistance.


Dockery 110; 660-543-8855

Assessment is an integral part of the continuous process of learning and development with the purpose of enhancing a student’s total university experience. Assessment uses well-defined outcomes and criteria employing multiple measures. All students are required to participate in UCM’s assessment program. This assessment may include periodic measurements of student intellectual and personal growth through examinations/assessments in general education, intellectual skills or the major field of study and various opinion surveys. A description of the major goals and components of Central Missouri’s Quality Improvement Program (CQIP) can be found at

General Education Assessment
Information regarding the university’s General Education Assessment Policy may be found in the General Education portion of this catalog.

Major Field Assessment
Each academic program establishes the conditions and requirements for assessment of its majors. All students are encouraged to contact faculty within their program to determine the policy, practice and standards for assessment in their major field.

In addition to standardized and locally developed assessments in general education and the major field, Central Missouri utilizes a variety of opinion surveys designed to measure student perceptions of their experiences at UCM, both academic and non-academic. The information derived from assessment activities is used to facilitate student learning and development, to promote faculty and staff growth and to improve the quality of academic and non-academic programs, services and facilities.

Career Development Center

Ward Edwards 1200; 660-543-4985;

The Career Center provides assistance to students in developing a highly personalized career development plan. Each academic program has a designated Career Development Coordinator who is an expert on the job market and career options for that particular field of study. They are also highly skilled in coaching students to prepare them for the pursuit of their chosen profession.

Services in the Career Center include:

• Individualized Career Development Coaching

• Resume & Cover Letter Assistance

• Practice Interviewing

• Job Postings & Resume Referrals

• Student Employment Assistance

• Internship & Job Search Strategy Development

• Career Workshops, Events, Expos, & other on-campus Recruiting Opportunities

• Career Development Certificate Program

• Career Quick Tips Peer Mentoring

Career Development Services are optional, but students are encouraged to use them for exploring and selecting major and career options, and for developing their personal career development plan. Please note that no course, program, certificate, and/or degree available at the UCM carries with it a promise, real or implied, of immediate or eventual employment within the specific areas covered, or in any other area. Although a comprehensive set of services is offered through Career Development Services, taking advantage of these opportunities and gaining employment remain the student’s responsibility.

Central Regional Professional Development Center

232 Foster-Knox; 800-762-4146;

The CRPDC is the primary operating agency of the Central Professional Development Consortium. The center’s mission is to provide information and resources in proven instructional and administrative practices which promote quality instruction in the classroom, overall school improvement and school-linked services for children and youth and their families. The center offers professional development opportunities, including inservices and workshops, to practicing teachers and administrators designed to address needs in all areas, particularly in science, math, technology, reading, and writing.


The Alumni Memorial Chapel, funded by donations from individuals and organizations, was built in 1956 in memory of Central Missouri students who served in World War II and the Korean War. The chapel seats 200 in the sanctuary, has a meeting room for 20 people, and contains a complete kitchen and dining area in the undercroft. Private gifts recently funded the chapel’s refurbishment and establishment of the Earl A. Webb Sr. Study. Another gift funded the attached Danforth Chapel, which contains six kneeling benches and is open to the public during the day. In the fall of 1994, a bronze sculpture titled “Guardian,” which is a memorial to all men and women who have served the country in armed services, was placed near the entrance of the Danforth Chapel. The chapel is used by UCM students as a meeting place for social and religious organizations, choir practice, initiation ceremonies, group testing, parties, and weddings. Students also use it for individual or group meditation and communion.

Child Care Centers

The university supports two child care centers on campus. The centers are located in the back of the Foster-Knox Apartment Building and at the community center at Central Village on Holden Street at the Central Village Apartment Complex. Both centers are licensed with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

The Child Care Center has adopted Creative Curriculum when planning activities and experiences for the children. Daily care routines are planned according to the age and development of the children within the classrooms.

The child care centers provide care for children six weeks to 10 years old. Enrollment is determined from a waiting list. To place a child on a waiting list, schedule a tour, or to learn more about the Campus Child Care Centers call 660-543-4605 for Foster-Knox or 660-543-4793 for Central Village.

The Counseling Center

Humphreys 131; 660-543-4060

The Counseling Center can help students live up to their full potential. Students who have challenges that are causing difficulties in their progress through college can use the services at the Counseling Center to help start to solve them.

The Counseling Center is dedicated to providing a safe atmosphere for students of all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and spiritual beliefs.

Students who are having distress or other difficulties that are interfering with functioning may make an appointment to speak to one of the psychologists at the Counseling Center. The psychologist will get the student started on reaching solutions for their problems. An appointment can help students develop a better understanding of the challenges they face and what is needed to cope with them. Some students benefit from one meeting, while others are seen for a few sessions. The Counseling Center also can direct students to the type of help that is best suited to their needs.

The Counseling Center also offers couples counseling and group counseling. The psychologists at the Counseling Center are also available to speak to organizations or classes about psychological wellness. There are many resources available for students on the Counseling Center Web site including self-screening instruments through Ulifeline and “Ask-Listen-Refer,”, a suicide-prevention tutorial that can help identify a friend at risk for suicide and offers suggestions on how to speak with that person and see that they get help.

What to do if you believe another student is in danger of attempting suicide:

If you think someone you know is in immediate danger of attempting suicide, contact Public Safety (911 or 660-543-4123).

Or if you believe someone you know may possibly be suicidal, talk to one of the following:

  • Dr. Corey Bowman, Associate Vice Provost for Student Services, at 660-543-4114 or Administration Building, Suite 214.
  • Counseling Center at 660-543-4060 or Humphreys Building, Suite 131.
  • Public Safety at 660-543-4123 or 306 Broad Street (available 24 hours a day).
  • A readily available university employee, such as Housing staff, a faculty member, student organization advisor, or any other University employee with whom you are familiar.

The national suicide prevention lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK, is available 24 hours daily to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. If needed, calls will be routed to a crisis center nearest you.

Criminal Justice Institute

Humphreys 300; 660-543-4950; fax 660-543-8306;

The Criminal Justice Institute, housed within the Department of Criminal Justice, strives to bridge the gap between policy makers, academia, and the field of criminal justice on issues and concerns to the criminal justice profession and to influence criminal justice policy and practice by providing research, information, and assistance. The Institute accomplishes this through delivering information to the criminal justice community in the form of accurate, affordable, and pertinent training. Students benefit from the Institute’s work through unique educational opportunities that improve the quality of their degree. By interacting with experts students become effective, professional members of the criminal justice career field. Events sponsored by the Criminal Justice Institute include an on-campus symposium with varying topics from police worn body cameras to raising awareness about sexual assault to issues in juvenile justice as well as tailored training opportunities such as Warden Peer Training or Police Liability as requested by local agencies.

Dining Services

Facebook: Sodexo at University of Central Missouri
Twitter and Instagram: @DiningUCM

UCM Dining by Sodexo is committed to providing enjoyable, service-focused, nutritious, and innovative dining experiences that meet the ever-changing needs of the UCM campus community. UCM Dining by Sodexo strives to provide customers with great menus, quality, and service that they deserve. UCM Dining by Sodexo offers both resident and retail dining.

Keep up to date with all UCM Dining by Sodexo - menus, nutrition information, special events and notices by following us on social media (see above) or with our App:

Bite by Sodexo - the app that tells you what’s on the menu today in your cafe and other locations - what’s for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Know what the specials and new items are, their ingredients and more, including calories and nutritional information.

Resident Dining. Resident Dining facilities accept meal plans, Dining Dollars, On Campus Dining Dollars, Central Cash, credit and debit cards, and cash. Three resident halls feature dining facilities with an all-you-can-eat format: Fitzgerald Dining Center, Westside Market in Todd Hall, and the Ellis Dining Center. Fitzgerald features Simple Servings, a concept that provides safe and appetizing food choices for those with food allergies, gluten intolerance, or those who prefer “simple” foods. Simple Servings eliminates the eight ingredients that account for 90% of all food allergy reactions.

Retail Dining. We offer a variety of retail locations across campus. These establishments accept Dining Dollars, Central Cash, credit cards, debit cards, and cash. Options include:

The Crossing - Starbucks®, Spin Pizza® and Orange Leaf®

The Elliott Student Union - Chick-fil-A®, Jazzman’s, Smart Market, Southern Tsunami, Steak and Shake®, Sub Connection, and Taco Bell®

Einstein Bros Bagels® located in the James C. Kirkpatrick Library and the Student Recreation and Wellness Center

Traditions at Pertle Springs - Full service restaurant overlooking the beautiful Keth Memorial Golf Course

Distance Learning

Humphreys 410; 660-543-4984

Distance Learning at the University of Central Missouri encompasses Internet-based, electronically-delivered education via online and interactive television (I-TV). Extended Studies manages, schedules, coordinates and assists in marketing all distance education courses and degree programs. Appropriate student services, including library resources, financial assistance, an online writing lab, academic advising, and technical support, are provided to meet the additional needs of the distance learner.

Elliott Student Union

Facebook: Elliott Student Union; Twitter: @UCMElliottUnion

The Elliott Student Union is centrally located on the main campus and serves as the “living room” for the campus community. The Union includes dining facilities, Jazzman’s® coffee shop inside Cafe Rouge, meeting space, a computer lab, a DVD rental kiosk, a U.S. Bank branch, ATMs, student organization offices, study lounges and quiet areas. It is often used for social functions, student activities and other programs. The union also houses student services offices that include: the OneCard office, Dining Services/Catering, International Center, Student Government Association, Meeting and Conference Services, and the Office of Accessibility Services. The Elliott Student Union features an Information Desk that provides campus-wide information to students, staff, faculty and guests.

English Language Center

Wood 008; 660-543-8796; fax 660-543-4990

The English Language Center (ELC) runs a variety of different programs: including the Intensive English Program (IEP), the Language and Culture Immersion Camp (LCIC), and Individualized Special Programs (ISPs).

The IEP is accredited by the Commission on Language Program Accreditation. The IEP offers 8-week courses with nine levels of instruction. Levels 6-9 are academic preparation courses. Levels 4 and 5 are the transition courses for academic preparation. Levels 1-3 are pre-academic preparation courses. Full-time students in the IEP take 20-22 contact hours per week of courses in reading, writing, grammar, listening/speaking, and testing skills. The IEP also offers elective courses in vocabulary, American culture, and accent reduction. IEP courses typically have a 1:16 teacher to student ratio or less. All IEP courses are available for credit and may be taken either for a standard letter grade or as pass/fail, and do not count toward completion of an academic degree or certificate.  Please note that full-time status for UCM’s Intensive English Program is 6 credit hours (20 contact hours) per 8-week session.

The mission of the Intensive English Program is to provide an intensive program which teaches a broad range of English language and study skills to non-native speakers of English so they can successfully pursue an academic degree program at the undergraduate or graduate level at a U.S. institution of higher education by demonstrating proficiency in reading, writing, grammar, and listening/speaking through a dynamic curriculum and cultural programming which responds to the needs of students in the program.

Extended Studies

Humphreys 401 & 410; 660-543-4984; fax 660-543-8333;

With the cooperation of Central Missouri’s academic departments, Extended Studies administers courses and degree programs off campus and online. Extended Studies also coordinates summer sessions, workforce development programs, workshops, non-credit courses, contract training, high school dual credit courses, continuing education units (CEUs), and entrepreneurial courses.

Gateway Advising and Major Exploration Center

Dockery 203, 660-543-4721;

The Gateway Center provides both individualized career counseling and courses in Exploring Majors and Careers for Open Option students. Whether one-on-one or in class, special emphasis is given to an exploration of self through the use of assessments, counseling, activities, discussions, and interviews. The focus starts with facilitating the methodical discovery of a student’s professional passion, and shifts to the development of a plan to accomplish the student’s goals. Career counseling and gateway advising provide the cornerstone to an Open Option student’s individualized career development plan.

Services in the Gateway Center Include:

  • Gateway Academic Advising for Open Option students
  • Individualized Career Counseling
  • Exploring Majors and Careers Academic Courses
  • Career Development Planning
  • Gateway Peer Support (GPS) Peer Mentoring

Graduate and International Student Services

Ward Edwards 1800; 660-543-4621; fax 660-543-4778;

The Graduate and International Student Services (GISS) office offers master’s programs, education specialist programs, cooperative doctorate programs and various graduate certificates. A separate catalog is available for the graduate-level programs.

Institute for Public Safety

200 Ming Street; 660-543-4090
Facebook: Central Missouri Police Academy; Twitter: @ucmpa

The Institute for Public Safety (IPS), a division of the Missouri Safety Center, develops and sponsors select in-service training courses for public safety professionals including law enforcement, firefighters, safety and emergency medical service providers.

IPS is also home to the Central Missouri Police Academy (CMPA). The CMPA is licensed by the Missouri Department of Public Safety’s Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) program as a Licensed Basic Training Center that exceeds POST’s basic training requirements for a Class A Peace Officer License. Upon graduation from the academy, and passing the POST test, students are eligible to be licensed Peace Officers and may receive 15 hours of elective credit toward a bachelor’s degree.

Institute for Rural Emergency Management

Humphreys 200; 660-543-4971; fax 660-543-4482

The Institute for Rural Emergency Management (IREM), a division of the Missouri Safety Center (MSC), at the University of Central Missouri was established in June 2005. IREM meets a demonstrated need for technical assistance in rural communities, to include mitigating, preparing for, responding to and recovering from emergencies and disasters. UCM is the only university in the U.S. to create a community outreach center focused on the emergency management needs of rural America, which are distinct from the needs of urban and suburban communities.

IREM gathers best practices from successful rural projects and develops guidelines and targeted information to distribute to elected officials and community leaders. In rural areas human resources are often limited, so IREM provides supervised student interns and researchers to complete vital projects, implement new programs, and deliver training workshops and exercises.

International Center

Elliott Student Union 302; 660-543-4195; fax 660-543-4201

The International Center consists of three areas including International Student and Scholar Services, the English Language Center and Education Abroad. The Elliott Student Union is the home of the International Center which serves more than 2900 international students attending UCM and more than 1100 who are engaged in Optional Practical Training. International students at UCM represent more than 50 different countries from around the world, bringing diversity to the campus community and to Warrensburg.

The International Center helps new international students settle into academic life in Warrensburg, provides intensive English instruction, advises students on non-immigrant student and scholar status, and assists UCM students who wish to study abroad. Students interested in attending school in another country while earning credit at UCM are encouraged to visit the International Center and inquire about UCM Study Abroad programs. Placement opportunities exist in approximately 300 institutions in more than 65 countries.

International Student and Scholar Services

Elliott Student Union 302; 660-543-4195

International Student and Scholar Services assists all international students and visiting international faculty with orientation, advocacy and programming activities. Other areas of service include immigration and student status certification activities, work authorization, sponsorship of the International Student Organization and the International Student Ambassador Program, and promoting the role of international education and alumni development.


University of Central Missouri’s Broadcasting Services, KMOSTV, serves close to one million residents in west and central Missouri.

The station is a working laboratory for scores of UCM students - providing employment opportunities and on-the-job experiences that augment a student’s academic achievements.

KMOS-TV is a member of the Public Broadcasting Service, presenting PBS national programming as well as producing a variety of local productions relevant to the needs and interests of central Missourians. The television station broadcasts four separate digital channels: 6.1 is a full schedule of nationally acclaimed PBS prime-time and children’s programming and award-winning local productions in High Definition; Channel 6.2 (Create) is lifestyle and how-to programs; 6.3 (MHz Worldview) features international news and drama; and channel 6.4 presents family-friendly PBS Kids programming around the clock.

Library Services

James C. Kirkpatrick Library; 660-543-4154
Facebook: JCKLibrary; Twitter: @JCKLibrary

Library Services supports the University’s instructional, research, and public service programs.

Library faculty and staff provide services to meet the needs of students, faculty, staff, and the local community. Assistance and instruction in library research skills and searching techniques are available both individually and via group sessions. Users may borrow most items from the library’s collections. Remote access to most of the library’s subscription databases is available to current members of the university community.

UCM’s distance learners are encouraged to communicate with the library regarding services that meet their special needs. Telephone, email, and chat services are all available options for communication if an individual cannot be in the Kirkpatrick Library. Librarian liaisons will arrange individual research appointments with any student or faculty member.

More than 200 computers are located throughout the library, along with a variety of study spaces appropriate for individual and group use. Harmon Computer Commons is an open computer lab with over 90 computers for student use. Wireless connectivity is available throughout the building. Einstein Bros. Bagels Express®, housed on the first floor of the building, offers beverages and snacks.

Meeting and Conference Services

Elliott Student Union 301; 660-543-4342; fax 660-543-8469

Students may reserve university space for student organization and personal use. Depending on the use of the space charges may or may not apply. All space rental requests must be submitted to Meeting and Conference Services. To reserve space, students should submit event requests 10 business days prior to the event at A confirmation will be sent by email which will include room assignment, event times, set-up requests, audio-visual equipment needs and any charges that apply.

Mentoring, Advocacy, and Peer Support

Dockery 212; Phone: 660-543-4156, Fax: 660-543-8613
Administration 196; 660-543-8958, Fax: 660-543-8919
Center for Multiculturalism and Inclusivity, Union 314; Phone: 660-543-8049,
Facebook: UCM Mentoring, Advocacy and Peer Support; TheCenterUCM

The Office of Mentoring, Advocacy and Peer Support (MAPS) offers a supportive, inclusive, and student-centered approach. We provide individualized advocacy, academic resources, and social support in the UCM community to promote student success.

Common reasons students use MAPS services:

  • Guidance or support in academic or social areas.
  • Talking to a peer who has been in your shoes.
  • Periodic help to motivate you toward your college graduation.
  • Concerns with academic policies, discrimination, professor/student misunderstandings, financial aid, housing, and more.


  • Student Outreach - Providing students with individualized support and resources as they progress toward graduation, including:
    • Academic Tutoring - Trained tutors for athletes, at-risk and Suspension Waiver Program students.
    • Suspension Waiver Program - For high-potential students who have previously been suspended due to low grades.
    • Academic Resource Coaches - Peer coaches available to provide academic support to students by introducing them to a variety of strategies and tools to boost their college success.
  • Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Advocacy, and Success (IDEAS) Coordinator - Assists in the development of an inclusive campus culture by fostering student success opportunities for underrepresented populations, including:
    • Mentorship Programs - Pair students seeking mentorship with mentors.
    • Direct Student Support - Providing education, mentoring, advocacy, and resources to marginalized students and students from underrepresented populations.
  • Center for Multiculturalism and Inclusivity - A space for student groups and individuals, offering programs and events focusing on diversity and inclusion.
  • Victim Advocacy - Support to any student who has experienced discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct.
  • Community Liaison - Connects off-campus students to resources, opportunities, and support; helps to build connections between campus and the Warrensburg community.
  • MLK Celebration - Together with community partners the MAPS office coordinates campus and community programs and events to celebrate the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Military and Veteran Services

Elliott Student Union 117; 660-543-8776; fax 660-543-8044

The Office of Military and Veteran Services is a part of the university’s presidential military and veterans’ service initiative to better serve our active duty service members, reservists, guardsmen, veterans and their dependents as students at UCM. UCM offers a Military Tuition Package to eligible students who utilize military tuition assistance and/or the GI Bill for their tuition and are enrolled as degree-seeking-students. The Military and Veterans Success Center (MVSC) provides a one-stop, full-service resource center to assist military and veteran students and those utilizing the Military Tuition Package. The MVSC has computers with CAC readers for student use, individual and group study areas, as well as soft seating and dedicated staff to assist students with their educational pursuit. The Student Veterans Organization (SVO) provides an opportunity for active duty service members, reservists, guardsmen, veterans and their dependents to become involved with their student peers and participate in social and campus activities as one voice. The SVO assists its members with becoming acclimated to campus, providing guidance on campus resources as well as an interactive support system.

Missouri Safety Center

Humphreys 200; 660-543-4830; fax 660-543-4482; Facebook: MissouriSafetyCenter

Established July 1, 1967, the Missouri Safety Center (MSC) proves the benefits of combining an academic department with a training center, creating a hybrid unit dedicated to the safety and welfare of all citizens. As noted in its mission statement, “To promote safety in Missouri and the nation,” the MSC strives to prevent injury and death through education, training, research, public service, and publications. The MSC’s three distinct divisions are: The Division of Transportation Safety (DTS), The Institute for Public Safety (IPS) and the Institute for Rural Emergency Management (IREM).

Located just south of the main campus, the MSC’s Division of Transportation Safety is housed in the Highway Safety Instructional Park at 1200 South Holden Street. This unique 14-acre highway safety training facility hosts many of the center’s programs and features an advanced driving track, skid pad and off-road track for dirt bike and ATV training, as well as the Missouri breath alcohol training laboratory.

The MSC’s Institute for Public Safety is located at 200 Ming Street near the main campus. The IPS develops and sponsors select basic and in-service training courses for professionals in public safety. The IPS’s goal is to provide innovative, experiential learning opportunities tailored to the needs of regional public safety organizations. The IPS also manages the Central Missouri Police Academy (CMPA). The CMPA is licensed by the Missouri Department of Public Safety’s Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) program as a Licensed Basic Training Center that exceeds POST’s basic training requirements for a Class A Peace Officer License.

The MSC’s Institute for Rural and Emergency Management, located in Humphrey’s Building, Suite 200, was established in 2005 to assist rural communities with mitigating, preparing for, responding to and recovering from emergencies and disasters. The MSC also prepares graduates for the growing emergency management field through a Bachelor of Science degree in Crisis and Disaster Management or a specialized certificate available entirely online or on campus. Students who participate in this program may concentrate in the areas of emergency management, emergency services management, hazardous materials, or business continuity. This degree program addresses the need within the state of Missouri for technically educated emergency management professionals.

Non-Traditional Student Services

Elliott Student Union 217; 660-543-4007

Non-Traditional Student Services is a resource office for Central Missouri’s students who are age 24 and over, have a gap of five or more years since high school, are married, single, have children, or are a veteran. This office provides information, support, advocacy, and referrals to campus and community support services. The office has information about non-traditional scholarships, housing, child care, and tutoring or other skill enhancers.

Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity

Administration 315; 660-543-4264
Sponsored Programs:

The Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity oversees programs that guide UCM in its research, scholarly activity, and creative endeavors. The office disseminates information about funding opportunities, assists in proposal development/submission; and oversees award management, budgeting, reporting, and compliance.

Research Involving Human Subjects
To protect the health and safety of human subjects involved in research, all research projects involving the use of human subjects must be in compliance with federal regulations. All projects involving human subjects in research must be approved in advance by the UCM Human Subjects Review Committee which serves as the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Research Involving Animals
Federal law requires that all research projects involving the use of selected mammals and birds be conducted in a manner that ensures humane treatment of animals. All such projects must be approved in advance by the UCM Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

Office of Technology

Ward Edwards 0101; 660-543-4357 (HELP);

The Office of Technology is comprised of five teams and an administrative staff that work together to support the technology needs and requirements of UCM’s students, faculty, and staff.

Application Systems 
The Application Systems (AS) team has core responsibilities for the Ellucian enterprise system and add-on modules that support the academic and business functions of UCM that include students, finance, human resources, payroll, financial aid, alumni, development, MyCentral portal, Blackboard, AdobeConnect, etc. The AS team works closely with functional departments and individuals to plan, coordinate, execute, support, and maintain the various applications core to the Ellucian environment in addition to those systems and applications that have a direct or indirect interface to the Ellucian database. The AS team services and supports the Oracle database engine, which is both the most important and largest database supported by this team and serves as the foundation of all official UCM data. The AS team also has a wide scope of responsibilities for the implementation and technical support of “non-Ellucian” enterprise and departmental systems and applications, also serving in an advisory capacity to those departments that want to maintain responsibility for their system or application.

Network Services
The primary duty of the Network Services (NS) team is oversight of UCM’s infrastructure (voice and data), which includes all the hardware, software, cabling, and services that makes up the voice and data network infrastructure. NS has specific responsibilities for network connections at the core, building and workstation levels, Internet connectivity, switches, routers, telephones (land lines, VOIP, and cellular), Wi-Fi, access points, and the software utilized by each component.

Technical Services
Technical Services (TS) team is responsible for the server farm, storage environment, network operations center, and core applications associated with network connectivity and authentication. In addition, the TS team has responsibilities for data backups, active monitoring of systems, security, access, and the general well-being of servers. TS has oversight of enterprise servers as well as specifically identified departmental servers to include operating systems, hardware, patches, upgrades, permissions, access, and system defined availability.

Technology Support Services
The Technology Support Services (TSS) team is responsible for providing general and specific computer hardware and software support for end-user computing devices that includes  workstations, laptops, handheld devices, tablets, etc. TSS builds and deploys base images, conducts operating system updates and patches, provides acquisition assistance, and performs appropriate hardware repairs and replacement.

Technology Support Center
The Technology Support Center (TSC) team provides first-line support to the UCM user community. The TSC conducts basic trouble-shooting, processes user requests for services, and answers general questions about campus technology. The TSC is the first step in requesting assistance, reporting a problem, or requesting new services from the Office of Technology. Students can reach the Technology Support Center by calling 660-543-4357, visiting Ward Edwards 0800, or by email. Walk-in support is generally available in WDE 0800 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Appointments may be made for weekend support as needed. TSC phones are answered 24/7. When TSC staff members are not on site, an answering service representative may take a message for call back the next day. If immediate service is required, TSC personnel will be paged for immediate response.

Office of Violence and Substance Abuse Prevention

ADM 102; 660-543-4044

The Office of Violence and Substance Abuse Prevention (VSAP) works closely with campus and community partners to create, implement, and evaluate best practice initiatives to address gender-based violence and substance abuse, and to increase the capacity of our community to address these issues. The popular Green Dot Bystander Intervention program is another service this office. With Green Dot, UCM community members learn to recognize signs of sexual misconduct and to intervene safely to prevent these incidents. In addition to Green Dot, VSAP staff coordinates the administration of online alcohol and sexual assault prevention education programs, provides face to face education, and coordinates a campus-community coalition for prevention. 

Public Safety

660-543-4123 (or 911 for emergencies); fax 660-543-4163

The Department of Public Safety includes University Police, Access Control, Environmental Health and Safety, and Parking Services. It is located at 306 Broad St. and is open 24 hours daily, 365 days per year. For emergencies on campus, dialing 911 from the university phone system will reach the Department of Public Safety. Dialing 911 from a cell phone will connect the caller to Johnson County Central Dispatch.


The following publications are produced and distributed by the University of Central Missouri:

  • UCM Today, a quarterly magazine for alumni and friends of the university published by University Relations and the Office of Alumni Relations and Development
  • The Muleskinner, a weekly campus newspaper published by Department of Communication student staff.

Registrar and Student Records

Ward Edwards 1000; 660-543-4900; fax 660-543-8400;
Facebook: UCM MoInfo; Twitter: @UCMRegistrar

The Office of the Registrar and Student Records maintains the official student records of UCM. The Registrar’s Office is responsible for maintaining accurate records of student enrollments and grades. The Registrar’s Office provides official transcripts, maintains degree audit reports, and evaluates undergraduate students for graduation requirements. Enrollment and degree verification certificates are available in MyCentral through the National Student Clearinghouse.

There are two types of academic transcripts - unofficial and official. Holds on student accounts will prevent access to both types of transcripts. Students have access to unofficial transcripts in MyCentral. Official transcripts are provided for a fee and can be ordered in MyCentral or using a pdf order form available at

An academic transcript shows a history of all courses taken, grades received, and hours earned. If a UCM degree or certificate is earned the degree or certificate, date conferred, and majors and minors will be listed on the transcript. The UCM official transcript includes student legal name, UCM student number, and birth month and date. Social security number is not included on the transcript for security reasons.

Diplomas and Certificates
Upon graduation all students receive a diploma or certificate. Diplomas and certificates will not be released until all financial obligations to the university are paid. The cost of the diploma and/or certificate is included in the graduation fee billed to students during their last semester. Diplomas include the degree earned, major(s), and academic honors (if applicable). Minors are not listed on diplomas. Certificates include the name of the certificate earned. If the student earned a double degree (not double major) or more than one certificate, a diploma/certificate will be provided for each degree/ certificate. Students earning a double major will receive one diploma which lists both majors.

Student Experience and Engagement

Administration 214; 660-543-4114; fax 660-543-8114

The Office of Student Experience and Engagement coordinates a wide variety of student services and programs. These services and programs are designed to help students have a safe and supportive collegiate experience, develop a sense of personal responsibility and experience personal growth, acquire essential skills to thrive as emerging citizens and leaders, understand their role and responsibility within a larger community, identify personal values, appreciate differences, and adapt to a diverse society. The office assists students, their families and visitors to better understand and access these services as they apply to their needs and situation.

Student Financial Services

Ward Edwards 1100; 660-543-8266; fax 660-543-8080 (for email inquiries)

The Office of Student Financial Services administers a wide variety of federal, state, and UCM scholarship, grant, loan, and employment programs, all of which provide funds to help eligible students satisfy the educational and living expenses of attending UCM. Knowledgeable staff members are available to assist students and their families with all aspects of applying for financial assistance.

Testing Services

Humphreys 216; 660-543-4919; fax 660-543-8757;

Testing Services serves as the repository of official score reports, provides information and administers national, state, and locally developed tests, as well as supports and coordinates Central Missouri’s Quality Improvement Program (CQIP). Testing Services is a member of the National College Testing Association (NCTA) and the Consortium of College Testing Centers. Testing Services adheres to NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines.

Official Score Report Policy

  • Official score reports are required to be on file for a student to meet admission and/or other program requirements.
  • Only score reports that are sent from the test company directly to Testing Services are considered official.
  • The University of Central Missouri retains and uses scores obtained within the past 10 years. ACT scores accepted at the time of admission may be no older than five years.
  • To protect confidentiality and privacy, score reports are not available by telephone, fax, email, Internet, or proxy.
  • An official ID containing the candidate’s photo and signature is required for most services.

Test Registration
There are several ways to register for various tests:

  • Registration for some tests, including the general education assessment (GEA) and ACT-Compass Placement test, is available via MyCentral; click on the “Student Services” tab, click on the “Register for a Test” link at the bottom right-hand corner, select the test day and time, and complete the online registration process as directed.
  • Registration for some tests must be completed in person at Testing Services, Humphreys 216
  • Registration for some tests, including CLEP, MEGA, MoGEA (teacher education), and FAA exams, must be completed directly through the testing company.
  • Test fees and administration fees are automatically billed to the UCM student’s financial account unless paid directly to the testing company.
  • For candidates not enrolled at UCM, only cash or money orders payable to UCM Testing Services can be accepted, except for test fees paid directly to the testing company.
  • Test candidates are not fully registered until Testing Services confirms receipt of fees and seat availability.

Test Cancellation
Candidates are obligated to test on their scheduled date and time. To maintain reasonable test administration fees, a no-show fee of $10 may be applied to the UCM student’s financial account, unless Testing Services is notified of a change at least 24 hours in advance or proof of a university-approved absence is provided.

Test Accommodations
Testing Services is pleased to accommodate students who have documented disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Candidates with disabilities are responsible for requesting test accommodations prior to or during registration and following the procedures outlined by the test company. Candidates are responsible for confirming with Testing Services their test date, time, location, and approved test accommodations.

UCM students who wish to use their accommodations for the GEA must request the Office of Accessibility Services (Elliott Student Union 224, 660-543-4421) provide Testing Services with approved test accommodations at least two weeks prior to testing.

UCM Foundation

Elliott Student Union, Smiser Alumni Center, 660-543-8000;

The UCM Foundation was incorporated in 1979 to advance and manage the university’s external fundraising operations. Officially operating as an Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) organization, the UCM Foundation makes gifts count. It does this first by securing contributions, then by ensuring gifts benefit the specific areas donors designate or by helping to finance the university’s greatest needs. Private support makes it possible for UCM to provide strong academic programs and the quality learning experience that positions its students for career success. Scholarships are one of the largest areas where gifts make an impact. See Scholarships  for more information.

UCM Lee’s Summit

660-543-8228; 816-347-1612; fax 816-347-9574;

The UCM Lee’s Summit location is an off-campus site whose mission is to serve adult learners in the Greater Kansas City metropolitan area. UCM Lee’s Summit is located within the Summit Technology Campus near the junction of Missouri highways 50 and 470. The 40,000 square foot facility features multi-use classrooms and seminar rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology, interactive television rooms, computer labs, and conference rooms. Offerings included undergraduate certificate programs, completion degrees, graduate certificate and degree programs. UCM Lee’s Summit also serves as a resource to the community for professional and workforce development.

University of Central Missouri Prussing Farm

The 260-acre University of Central Missouri Prussing Farm, a teaching unit of the Agriculture program that utilizes the latest in agriculture technology, provides laboratory experience for students in agriculture classes and work opportunities for students interested in hands-on experience. The newest additions to the farm are a two-classroom Agriculture and Conservation Building and a trapshooting range with skeet overlay funded by a grant from the Missouri Department of Conservation. Additional teaching/research facilities are a mature orchard, greenhouse complex with dwarf orchard, and research plots on campus and at the 100-acre Agricultural Research Farm on Mitchell Street. Agriculture research, funded by the university, private industry, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service is carried on by faculty and students at these facilities.

University Health Center

660-543-4770; fax 660-543-8222;

Clinical Services
The University Health Center, located at 600 S. College St., just south of the Elliott Student Union, offers care for acute care and services to students and their spouses, with immunizations and laboratory services to faculty and staff. The Health Center is staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and other qualified professional and support staff. The Health Center operates primarily on an appointment system, although urgent illnesses and injuries are given priority. Fall and spring semester hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Summer hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Health Center only sees patients while classes are in session.

Health Insurance
All students attending UCM should have adequate health insurance coverage. University policy requires that all international students have health insurance coverage through the student health plan. International students are automatically enrolled and billed for the cost of the health insurance each semester. Domestic students may enroll in the student health insurance plan for themselves and their dependents.

The student insurance plan provides benefits to the insured students and their insured dependents on or away from campus, 24 hours a day. The insurance runs from August to August, and may be paid for the entire year, or on a per semester basis. For more information about the student insurance plan, visit or call 660-543-4770.

Mandatory Immunization Requirements
Students must provide evidence of two (2) vaccinations for immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), and completion of the Mandatory Immunization Form. As of July 1, 2015 the State of Missouri requires all students living in university housing to have received the meningococcal vaccine. For more information about immunization requirements as well as a copy of the Mandatory Immunization Form, please visit or call 660-543-4770.

University Bookstore

Elliott Student Union 128; 660-543-4370

University Bookstore, a college tradition and a partner in education, is the primary and preferred source for undergraduate and graduate textbooks. University Bookstore works with UCM faculty to identify the course materials required for each course. Helping to offset the costs of higher education, University Bookstore offers a textbook rental program for many of the courses at the undergraduate level. The rental program saves UCM students more than $3.5 million annually when compared to new retail prices. Students are required to return rental textbooks no later than the last day of finals each semester. Students may also choose to purchase textbooks that are included in the text rental program.

University Bookstore also conducts a textbook buyback program to help students reduce their total cost of course materials. The textbook buyback event is conducted at the end of each semester.

A textbook reservation service is available each fall and spring semester. The reservation service may be accessed through University Bookstore’s Web site,

University Bookstore is open fall and spring semesters 7:30 am to 5:00 pm; summer hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.

University Store - The Crossing

114 W. South Street; 660-543-4227

University Store -The Crossing is located just north of Vernon Kennedy Field/Walton Stadium at 114 W. South Street. University Store-The Crossing sells an assortment of officially licensed UCM clothing and souvenirs. Convenience store items are available in our adjoining store, Mule Stop. Online orders for emblematic merchandise are accepted at our Web site, University Store-The Crossing is open fall and spring semesters Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm; Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and Sunday, 12 noon to 5:00 pm. Summer hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5 pm; Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Welch-Schmidt Center for Communication Disorders

Martin 34; 660-543-4993; fax 660-543-8234

UCM has a comprehensive speech-language and hearing clinic in the Welch-Schmidt Center for Communication Disorders. Undergraduate and graduate student clinicians, supervised by Missouri-licensed and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)-certified faculty of the Department of Communication Disorders and Social Work, provide prevention, assessment, and treatment services to students, faculty, and members of the community who may exhibit difficulties in articulation, voice, swallowing, stuttering, language, literacy, hearing disorders, and foreign accent.

The Center has treatment rooms with two-way mirrors, video and audio monitoring; an early childhood preschool for children with speech and language disorders who are between the ages of two and one half and five years; a speech acoustics and physiology lab that provides instrumentation for rigid and flexible endoscopy vocal fold visualization, air-flow/pressure and acoustic measurement of the voice; four audiologic suites where hearing evaluations, impedance audiometry, otoacoustic emissions, and video otoscopy are performed; an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) lab; Scottish-Rite Early Language and Literacy Lab; and a Functional Communication Clinic (FCC). The hearing aid laboratory is equipped with the latest technology for the fitting and dispensing of hearing instruments.

Students have available a variety of current assessment and treatment materials and a student clinician workroom complete with workstations. The center collaborates with the university English Language Center for a unique service-learning opportunity for student clinicians by providing accent reduction therapy for those international students enrolled in the Intensive English Program (IEP). With the support of the Scottish-Rite, the Center is also able to provide literacy evaluations and treatment to children and adults.

Students, faculty, staff and their immediate families with speech sound errors, autism, aphasia, or other communication deficits may use the center’s services at reduced fees. The Center welcomes self-referrals and referrals from university faculty and staff, the University Health Center, and community health and educational agencies.