Johnson County Community College
The below courses are required for Information Technology majors and can be fulfilled at JCCC as part of the AAS Information Technology - Networking degree requirements. If these courses are not taken at JCCC, they must be completed at UCM. The full list of JCCC AAS Information Technology degree requirements can be found in the JCCC catalog. Students who transfer to UCM with an AAS degree will need to complete the general education requirements at UCM. Some courses are listed under AAS General Education Requirements. See the UCM General Education Requirements section at the bottom of this guide for remaining requirements. AAS General Education Requirements: 15 Semester Hours
The below courses fulfill UCM general education/major requirements (listed in parentheses) and are recommended to be taken at JCCC as part of the AAS. See JCCC General Education Articulations for other options. - ENGL 121 Composition I (3) transfers as ENGL 1020 - Composition I GE (3) (Foundational Skills: Writing I)
- COMS 121 Public Speaking (3) OR COMS 125 Personal Communication (3) transfers as COMM 1000 - Public Speaking GE (3) (Foundational Skills: Communication, required for major)
- MATH 181 Statistics (3) transfers as ACST 1300 - Basic Statistics GE (3) (Knowledge Area II, required for major)
- Social Science/Economics Elective - Choose 3 hours from: ECON 132, ECON 230, ECON 231, JOUR 120, POLS 124, POLS 126, POLS 135, PSYC 130, SOC 122, or SOC 131 (Knowledge Area III)
- Humanities Elective - Choose 3 hours from: ENGL 130, ENGL 227, ENGL 230, ENGL 247, THEA 120, FL 230, FL 231, ARTH 180, ARTH 182, HUM 122, MUS 121, MUS 125, MUS 128, PHIL 121, or PHIL 124 (Knowledge Area I)
AAS Information Technology-Networking Program Requirements: 36 Semester Hours
- IT 120 CompTIA A+ Practical Applications (3) transfers as NET 1058 - A+ IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software (3)
- IT 141 Introduction to Networks (3) transfers as NET 1060 - Introduction to Networks (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)
- IT 150 Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (3) transfers as NET 1061 - Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)
- IT 204 Enterprise Networking, Security and Automation (3) transfers as NET 2060 - Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab)
- IT 202 IT Scripting (3) transfers as CS 1030 - Python Programming I (3)
- IT 175 Cybersecurity Fundamentals (3) transfers as CYBR 1800 - Introduction to Cybersecurity (3)
- IT 257 Cybersecurity Operations (3) transfers as NET 2061 - Cisco CyberOps Associate (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab) (fulfills 3 hours in Network and Systems Administration area)
- IT 230 Linux Fundamentals (3) transfers as NET 3088 - Linux Operating Systems (3: 2 lecture, 1 lab) (fulfills 3 hours in Network and Systems Administration area) OR CYBR 1500 - Command Line Environments (3) (required for all areas - recommended)
- IT 223 Azure Administration (3) transfers as CS 4610 - Introduction to Cloud Computing (3) (fulfills 3 hours in Cloud and IT Infrastructure Management area)
AAS Technical Electives: 12 Semester Hours
Minimum Total Hours Required for JCCC AAS: 63 Semester Hours
UCM BS Information Technology
The below list of courses represents the requirements a student will have left to complete after transferring to UCM with an AAS Information Technology degree. Any courses listed above not taken at JCCC must be completed as part of the BS requirements. Major Requirements: 36-45 Semester Hours
Required Courses: 21-24 Semester Hours
Choose one of the following Areas: 15-21 Semester Hours
Network and Systems Administration - 15-18 Semester Hours
9 hours can be fulfilled at JCCC using NET 2061 (IT 257), NET 3068 (IT 206) and NET 3088 (IT 230). Cloud and IT Infrastructure Management - 15 Semester Hours
Web and Mobile Applications Development - 21 Semester Hours
Program Electives
6 hours of program electives can be fulfilled at JCCC using CYBR 4840 (IT 239), CYBR 4850 (IT 238), and/or CS 4020 (IT 271/272). General Education Requirements: 27-28 Semester Hours
The following General Education requirements will need to be completed at UCM. Remaining hours are based on the recommended courses listed under AAS General Education requirements above, and may vary depending on transfer coursework. - Foundational Skills: Writing II (3 hours)
- Foundational Skills: Managing Information (2-3 hours)
- Knowledge Area I (6 hours)
- Knowledge Area II (7 hours)
- Knowledge Area III (6 hours)
- Elective (3 hours)
Free Choice Electives
Additional hours may be required depending on transfer coursework and course selection at UCM. Hours must reach at least 120 overall with at least 30 at upper-level. Upper-level courses have course numbers in the 3000’s or 4000’s. Courses taken at JCCC that transfer to UCM as upper-level courses do NOT count towards upper-level hours. Minimum Total Hours Required for BS: 120 Semester Hours
This guide is based on the UCM 2022 Undergraduate Catalog and is subject to change. This guide is a recommendation only and your actual program may vary. Time to degree completion and course sequencing will depend on any credits transferred to UCM and on planned placement in math, reading, and writing. See the current UCM Undergraduate Catalog and JCCC Course Catalog for a complete listing of academic policies, curriculum, prerequisites, and course descriptions. |