Mar 31, 2025
2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Transfer Guide SFCC AA to UCM BM Music: Vocal Option
State Fair Community College
The below courses are required for Music majors and can be fulfilled at SFCC as part of the AA requirements. The full list of SFCC AA requirements can be found in the SFCC catalog. AA General Education Requirements: 42 Semester Hours
AA Elective Options: 22 Semester Hours
The below courses are required for Music majors and may be taken as part of the 22 required elective hours for the AA degree at SFCC. If these courses are not taken at SFCC, they must be completed at UCM. Minimum Total Hours Required for SFCC AA: 64 Semester Hours
UCM BM Music: Vocal Option
The below list of courses represents the requirements a student will have left to complete after transferring to UCM with an Associate of Arts degree. Any courses listed above not taken at SFCC must be completed as part of BM requirements. Major Requirements: 58 Semester Hours
Major Core Requirements: 4 Semester Hours
Vocal Option: 54 Semester Hours
Keyboard Competency is demonstrated by passing MUS 2502 - Piano Class IV (1) with a grade of B or better, or passing the piano proficiency examination. General Education Requirements: 6-12 Semester Hours
The following general education courses are required for this major and should be taken at UCM. Note:
MUS 1210 - Experiencing Music GE (3) cannot be counted in the Music Degree Major courses or General Education courses for this degree. Major large ensembles cannot count toward General Education for the Music Major. Minimum Total Hours Required for BM: 120 Semester Hours
This guide is based on the UCM 2019 Undergraduate Catalog and is subject to change. This guide is a recommendation only and your actual program may vary. Time to degree completion and course sequencing will depend on any credits transferred to UCM and on planned placement in math, reading, and writing. See the current UCM Undergraduate Catalog and SFCC Course Catalog for a complete listing of academic policies, curriculum, prerequisites, and course descriptions. |