Mar 30, 2025  
2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Types of Credits

UCM Credit and Transfer Credit

There is no limit to the number of UCM or transfer credit hours applied to an undergraduate degree. Students must meet a minimum number of hours in residence at UCM for degree completion.

UCM Credit

UCM credits are hours earned through on-campus courses and online courses. This also includes courses completed at the UCM Lee’s Summit campus and other UCM sites.

Dual Credit

Dual credit is a course which enables a high school student to simultaneously receive both high school and college-level course credit. Dual credit can be earned either at UCM or from a transfer institution. Dual credit is transcribed both at the high school and at the college from which it is earned. UCM’s dual credit courses are taught in high schools throughout Missouri, online, or over interactive television by university faculty or by school approved adjunct faculty. Courses approved for dual credit by the college schools include the use of the syllabus, textbook, teaching methodology, and student assessment strategies. Course content and course requirements are comparable to those utilized in the equivalent on-campus courses with the same titles.

Dual credit students are provided tuition at a reduced rate, access to the James C. Kirkpatrick Library both online and in person, and access to many other campus resources. Information about UCM’s dual credit program can be found online at, by calling the Dual Credit Office at 660-543-4876 or in person (HUM 401).  Dual credit grades do factor into UCM academic standing.

Students who complete dual credit at a transfer institution must have an official transcript sent to the UCM Office of Undergraduate Admissions (660-543-4290, WDE 1400) for admission to UCM. UCM posts and accepts all transfer grades (A-F). These grades are counted in a student’s cumulative GPA and are taken into consideration for academic standing calculations. UCM’s repeat policy, not the repeat policy of the transfer institution, will be applied to any course repeats. See details of the UCM Repeat Policy  in this catalog.

Transfer Credit

Students are required to provide UCM with official copies of transcripts from all prior colleges and universities attended. This includes any international transfer institutions (see International Transfer Credit section). Failure to disclose a transcript may result in dismissal from UCM. In awarding transfer credit from Missouri institutions, Central Missouri follows the Credit Transfer Guidelines for Student Transfer and Articulation among MO College and Universities (Missouri CBHE, April 2013). Credit will be accepted from an institution which is a candidate for accreditation, through a regional accrediting commission, if credit was awarded during a term of the candidacy. Students who wish to appeal the decision of the University of Central Missouri in the articulation of transfer credit from another domestic, regionally accredited institution of higher education may contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (WDE 1400, 660-543-4290). Questions about international transfer credit should contact the Office of Graduate International Student Services (WDE 1800, 660-543-4092) directly via email at

All undergraduate college-level coursework attempted at regionally accredited institutions (and appropriately accredited international institutions) and corresponding grades will be included on the UCM transcript of degree-seeking students. “W” grades (withdrawals) are not posted to the UCM transcript and developmental or remedial work is evaluated on an individual basis.

UCM does post and accept all college-level transfer grades (A-F). These grades are counted in a student’s cumulative GPA and are taken into consideration for academic standing calculations. UCM’s repeat policy, not the repeat policy of the transfer institution, will be applied to any course repeats. See details of the UCM Repeat Policy in this catalog.

Transfer credit will retain the leveling and credit hours total as designated by the original granting institution regardless of whether a UCM equivalent’s leveling or credit hour total is different. All courses taken at a two-year college and any 1000/2000 level courses taken at a four-year institution will not be applicable toward upper-level hour (3000/4000 level) requirements, even if these courses are articulated as UCM upper-level courses or are used as substitutions for upper-level UCM courses. Quarter hour transfer courses will be converted to semester hours at the rate of 1 quarter hour = 2/3 semester hours.

Students who hold an Associate of Arts (A.A.), an Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.), a bachelor’s degree from an appropriately regionally accredited institution in Missouri (including post-baccalaureate UCM students), or who have met the Missouri 42-hour General Education Core requirements are considered to have met all 42 hours of Central Missouri’s requirements in General Education, including state law requirements, Section 170.011 RSMO Supp (1988) (the constitutions of Missouri and the United States) and HB 1528/Section 170.013 the Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination.

Students who hold one of the degrees mentioned above from an appropriately regionally accredited institution outside of Missouri have met the Missouri 42-hour General Education Core requirements but must pass an exam on the constitutions of Missouri and the United States and the Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination. The constitutions of Missouri and the United States test is offered online, at no cost by the School of Social Sciences and Languages (Wood 203). Testing information can be obtained by calling 660-543-8840.  The Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination is offered online through Blackboard, at no cost by the UCM Testing Center (HUM 216). Testing information can be obtained by calling 660-543-4919.

Transfer students who have completed an A.A., A.A.T, a bachelor’s degree from an appropriately regionally accredited institution in the United States (including post-baccalaureate UCM students), or the Missouri 42-hour General Education Core must also complete any major- or minor-specific General Education courses and Competency 10 of the UCM General Education which is fulfilled by a course designated in each major. The state of Missouri requires certain General Education courses for teacher certification. These requirements are outlined for each teacher education major in Programs Alphabetically  

For students with an associate’s degree other than the A.A. or A.A.T. (such as the A.S.), the university reviews transcripts and accepts applicable credit on a course-by-course basis.

International Transfer Credit

International transfer credit of all levels (undergraduate and graduate) and for all students (domestic and international) is handled by the Graduate and International Student Services Office.  (GISS). All  non-US transcripts should be submitted to GISS for authentication and evaluation.  Applicants with questions about transcript evaluations  should contact GISS via email at or by calling 660-543-4621.

Military Service-Related Transfer Credit

Military service-related credit is posted as transfer credit and does not count towards upper-level hours requirements. This credit is denoted with a grade of CR (credit) on the Central Degree Audit and UCM transcript. Military service-related credits are not limited to a particular number of hours awarded and do not count towards the 30 hours of maximum CR credit explained under Other Types of Credit.

Credits from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
Students with CCAF credit should have official transcripts sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (WDE 1400, 660-543-4290).

Credits from the Joint Services Transcript (JST)
Credits earned by service personnel in specialized training programs of the United States Army, Navy, Marines or Coast Guard under certain circumstances may be accepted. The guidebook published by the American Council on Education (ACE) is used to determine the credit value. Official Joint Services Transcripts (JST) should be sent to the Office of Military and Veteran Services (UN 117, 660-543-8776) which will review and determine the appropriate credit, if applicable.

Elective Transfer Credit

Courses already determined to have UCM equivalents will be applied on the UCM transcript upon receipt of an official transcript from the credit granting institution. Accepted transfer courses that have no UCM equivalents will be deemed elective courses and appear with an ELCT course prefix on the Central Degree Audit and transcript. Any ELCT course accepted for more than 0 credit hours (e.g., not remedial or developmental) does count towards the degree hours, but will require further evaluation to fulfill a particular major, minor, or general education course. To have an elective transfer course considered for articulation to one of UCM’s courses, students may contact

For courses unable to be articulated, students may seek a course substitution. For substitutions in the General Education requirements, students should meet with their success advisor (660-543-4621, UN 128). For major or minor requirements and General Education courses required by the major or minor, students should visit with the school chair of the major or minor to discuss possible substitutions.

Graduate-Level Credit

Courses completed at the graduate level cannot be applied to undergraduate degree programs* and may not be repeated for undergraduate credit.  *Exceptions apply to some graduate-level courses for students enrolled in accelerated degree programs.

Other Types of Credit

Other types of credit include: credit for prior learning, credit by exam, credit for official certifications, licenses, and diplomas, and validated credit.  Students must be currently enrolled as a degree or certificate seeking student at UCM to be awarded these types of credit.  Credit will be posted after the enrollment period for the semester had ended (typically during the second week of the semester).

Students may count a combined total of 60 credit hours of SC and CR credits towards their degree. Each type of credit, SC and CR, is limited to 30 credits. Military service-related credits, as noted above, and credits from certain consortium programs (Radiologic Technology/Medical Laboratory Science) do not count towards the 30 hours of maximum CR credit.

These types of credit involve credit only and do not include a letter grade. Therefore, credit only has an impact on hours earned and not on grade point average. With the exception of some of the credits from certain consortium programs (Radiologic Technology/Medical Laboratory Science), credit earned from these types of experiences does not count towards residency hours or upper-level hours at UCM.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

In certain circumstances, UCM will award credit for prior learning (CPL) based on recommendations from the National College Credit Recommendations Services (NCCRS) and the American Council on Education (ACE). This type of credit is denoted with a CR on the Central Degree Audit and transcript. Students must request an assessment to determine if credit is possible and provide written documentation supporting their request for credit. Students interested in obtaining CPL should contact Extended Studies’ Director of Academic Outreach (HUM 410, 660-543-8926) for guidance and assistance.

Credit by Exam

Credits by exam are based on nationally normed standardized exams (such as AP, IB, and CLEP). This type of credit is denoted with an SC on the Central Degree Audit and transcript.

Nationally Normed Standardized Exams

The following exams are those accepted for review at UCM for possible course credit. Tests marked by an asterisk (*) are administered by UCM’s Testing Services.

Requirements for Course Credit by Examination

  • Only test scores obtained within the past 10 years are accepted.
  • Not all exams have a course equivalent at UCM.
  • Only official test score reports sent from the test company directly to Testing Services, Humphreys 216 will be reviewed.  Please check with the testing company on how to send official scores.
  • Exam scores sent prior to the students first semester will not be applied.
  • Students are responsible for contacting Testing Services ( or 660-543-4919, HUM 216) to ensure credit has been received and applied during their first semester at UCM.
  • Students must score at or above the level established by the university to receive course credit by examination.
  • Course equivalencies must be available as established by university faculty to receive course credit by examination.
  • Course credit by examination cannot be applied to upper-level hour requirements or in-residence hours.
  • Course credit by examination that would result in duplicate credit will not be granted.
  • Course credit received by examination may or may not apply to a degree program.
  • Students seeking course credit by examination when currently enrolled in the course must complete the exam prior to the 100% refund date for the course.

Course Credit by Examination from Other Institutions
Course credit by examination from other institutions is not automatically transferred to UCM. Review course credit by examination equivalencies on or contact Testing Services ( or 660-543-4919, HUM 216) to determine if a course equivalent for the exam taken is available at UCM. If a course equivalent is available and the test score is less than 10 years old contact the test company to request an official score report be sent to Testing Services. The score report will be reviewed to determine eligibility for credit.

Credit for Official Certifications, Licenses, and Diplomas

In certain instances, academic schools will evaluate official certifications, licenses, and diplomas granted by fully accredited national and state boards and officially recognized professional organizations to determine whether or not undergraduate credit may be assigned by the Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Services toward the fulfillment of degree requirements in a major or minor. Appropriate university schools reserve the right to test competencies and performances in these areas and to determine the hours and the nature of the credit to be assigned, if any. Paperwork signed by the academic school chair, college dean, and Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Services will be submitted by the academic school to the Registrar’s Office for processing. This type of credit is denoted with a CR on the Central Degree Audit and transcript.

Validated Credit

A student is able to earn college credit by demonstrating specific competencies. These tests or measurements vary by school and are free to the student. Validated credit is an option within three areas of the General Education program: Composition (for ENGL 1020 , if ENGL 1080  is passed with a grade of C or higher), Modern Foreign Language, and Mathematical Reasoning. See the appropriate school for more information. Validated credit is denoted with a CR on the Central Degree Audit and transcript.