Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Enrollment Information

Changes in Class Schedules

Adding Classes
Students may make changes to class schedules using self-enrollment in MyCentral through the Add period*. Fall and spring full-semester courses (16-week) may be added through 11:59 p.m. on Thursday of the first week of classes. Fall and spring half-semester courses (8-week) may be added through 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday of the first week of the class. Courses may not be added after the Add period*, unless a late add is approved by the instructor and school chair of the course. 

Dropping Classes
Students may make changes to class schedules using self-enrollment in MyCentral through the Drop period* (through the first four days of the semester for full semester fall and spring courses; through the first three days of the semester for half-semester fall and spring courses). Courses dropped during this time will be given a full refund and will not be entered on the permanent record (transcript).

During the Withdrawal period* (fifth day of the semester through the 10th week of fall and spring semesters for full semester courses; fourth day of the semester through the 5th week of the course for half-semester fall and spring courses), a student may drop any class using self-enrollment in MyCentral.  Students are prevented from dropping their final class, for full course withdrawal refer to the Withdrawal from the University information.  Students who have a hold on their account will not be able to process course drops in MyCentral and should see their program coordinator, academic department, or the Graduate Studies office (domestic students) or International Student Services office (international students) for assistance with the drop.

A grade of W will appear on the permanent record (transcript) if the course is dropped during the Withdrawal period* (fifth day of the semester through the 10th week of fall and spring semesters for full semester courses; fourth day of the semester through the 5th week of the course for half-semester fall and spring courses). A grade of W has no impact on grade point average but is reflected on the transcript. If a student has been found guilty of academic dishonesty, a grade of F will be recorded and will impact the grade point average.

Students may wish to consult with a faculty advisor and/or the course instructor prior to dropping a course. International students must seek approval from International Student Services (WDE 1800, 660-543-4092) prior to dropping below a full course load of 9 semester credit hours during Spring and Fall and 6 semester credit hours during Summer. Withdrawal from a course during a Study Abroad program is not permitted during the last one-third of the period.

After the published last day to drop a course, a late withdrawal must be approved by the Registrar’s Office. If the student is petitioning to withdraw late from all courses, the petition should be directed to the Office of Student Experience and Engagement. Late withdrawals are by petition only and are only approved for documented, extenuating circumstances (e.g., hospitalization, death in the family) that prevented the student from completing the course(s). If a late withdrawal petition is approved, a grade of LD will be assigned. If a complete withdrawal petition is approved through Student Experience and Engagement (ADM 214, 660-543-4114), a grade of LW will be assigned for every class. The instructors of any courses receiving a grade of LD or LW will be informed of the petition’s approval. Grades of LD and LW will not impact the grade point average but will be reflected on the transcript.

*Some courses are offered on a variable schedule and are not on the half semester or full semester schedule. Course-specific add, refund, and withdrawal dates may be found in MyCentral. 

Waitlisting a Class

Students who wish to enroll in a course that is full may opt to waitlist the course in MyCentral. Not all courses at UCM offer a waitlist option. For those classes that do not offer a waitlist, see the school chair over the course regarding enrollment. For full semester classes, the waitlist ends on the last day to add a class; this is the fourth day of a class. This is also the same day as the last day for a 100% refund for a class. The waitlist for half-semester classes ends on the third day after the start of classes. During the summer semester, the waitlist ends on the last day to add a class for each of the unique summer sessions.

The waitlist is first-come, first served. If a seat becomes available in a waitlisted course, the first person on the waitlist will automatically be enrolled in the course. An email is sent to the student university email account if a course is added from the waitlist. The waitlist will not enroll a student beyond the maximum allowed hours (16 hours). Nor will the waitlist allow a student to enroll if a time conflict exists between the student’s schedule and the waitlisted course or a registration hold exists.

Students waitlisting a course assume responsibility for taking themselves off the waitlist if they no longer want to enroll in the course. Students are responsible for payment and grades in all classes in which they are enrolled. Find detailed instructions on how to use the waitlist online.

Withdrawal from the University

International students interested in withdrawing from the University should first speak with an International Student Advisor. To schedule an appointment, please call or visit International Student Services (WDE 1800, 660-543-4092).  In the event a student fails to initiate this process, his/her withdrawal is not considered complete, grades of F will be recorded for failure to attend classes, and the student is responsible for all charges to their account.

Students seeking a complete withdrawal after the published last day to drop a course must petition Student Experience and Engagement (ADM 214, 660-543-4114).  Late withdrawals are done by petition only and are only approved for documented, extenuating circumstances (e.g., hospitalization, death in the family) that prevented the student from completing the courses(s).  If a late withdrawal petition is approved, a grade of LW will be assigned.  A grade of LW will not impact the grade point average but will be reflected on the transcript.

Regulations governing credit for room and board payments are found in the housing agreement. See the Refund Policy for information on the credit of fees.  A financial aid recipient who officially or unofficially withdraws from UCM may be required to repay some or all the grant and loan assistance credited to his or her UCM account, based on the date of withdrawal and last date of attendance/participation for the semester, as reported by his or her instructors.

Students Called to Military Service

When a student is called to active military service or training, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, prior to the completion of the semester, that student must submit documentation to the Office of Student Experience and Engagement (660-543-4114, ADM 214) and will be eligible for either:

  1. The awarding of a “W” in one or more courses and a complete refund of all tuition and incidental fees charged for those courses withdrawn for that semester, or
  2. The awarding of a grade, including a “U”, in the course or courses by completing assignments away from class that meet course objectives. For a grade, course assignments must be completed by the end of the semester.

If the student has been awarded a scholarship to be used to pursue an academic program and such person is unable to complete the academic term for which the scholarship is granted, that person shall be awarded that scholarship at any subsequent academic term, provided that the person returns to the academic program at UCM at the beginning of the next academic term after the completion of active military service.

If the student chooses the option described in subsection (1), such person may request that the official transcript indicate the courses from which such person has withdrawn and the reason for the withdrawal, or such person may request that all course titles be expunged from such person’s record. Choosing the option of a refund shall not affect the person’s official academic record or standing at UCM.

If the student chooses the option described in subsection (2), such person shall complete the course work to the satisfaction of the course instructor and UCM. The grade of “U” shall be converted to a failing grade if the person does not apply to complete the course work within six months of discharge or release from active military service. In the event the person cannot comply for medical reasons related to the active military service, such person shall apply to complete the course work within three months of the end of the period of convalescence. Choosing subsection (2) shall not affect the person’s official academic record or standing at UCM, unless the person fails to complete the course work.


Holds may be placed on student records when the university needs a student to meet particular requirements. Holds can prevent registration (course adds and drops) and block the release of transcripts, grades, or diplomas. Common holds include those for financial issues and health center holds.

Students can check for holds in MyCentral and should contact the office that placed the hold to learn how to resolve the issue. Students should plan to have hold(s) removed prior to their enrollment access date.

Enrollment Validation Policy

Central Missouri enforces an enrollment validation policy. This policy applies to all online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes that begin the first week of classes. The policy also includes any online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes that begin during the first week of second-half semester classes and any of the classes during the five different summer sessions.  Dual Credit, zero-credit hour classes, and classes that are off-schedule are not included in this policy. For face-to-face classes, students must attend the first day of each class or have made prior arrangements with their instructors to secure their seat in the course. For online and hybrid classes, students must indicate their intent to attend the course in Blackboard. Students whose instructors report first-day absences will have those classes dropped from their schedule. Students who are not reported absent are responsible for their enrollment in courses including any fees incurred and grades earned. Financial aid recipients who do not attend classes may be required to repay some or all of the assistance credited to their UCM account for the semester.

Enrollment Verifications

Central Missouri has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment verification certifications for students through MyCentral.

Student Self-Service enables Central Missouri students to print official enrollment verification certifications on demand via a secure student portal, MyCentral, at no charge. These certificates can be sent to health insurers, housing providers, or other organizations requiring proof of enrollment. Students can also check deferment forms and electronic notifications sent to lenders, view their enrollment history, obtain a list of student loan lenders and link to real-time loan information, and view enrollment verifications provided to student service providers at their request.

International students who require an Enrollment Verification should contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance.

Repeat Enrollment in Courses

A graduate student may repeat any course in which a grade of C or lower was earned.  Credit hours for repeated courses will be counted only once in the number of credit hours earned toward a degree or certificate.  A graduate student must repeat any course taken at UCM for which a grade of D or F was earned when the course is a requirement of the graduate degree/certificate program.  A D or F grade in an elective course does not have to be repeated but may be. Grades of D and F may not be used to fulfill degree/certificate requirements.

Repeating a course does not remove the original grade from the student’s transcript. All courses, including those repeated, are included in the graduate student’s cumulative grade point average. Graduate students may petition the Graduate Studies office to have up to any six graduate hours of repeated grades excluded from the grade point average (GPA). Students may petition to apply those six hours of repeated work towards multiple courses or repeats of the same course. A petition may not be submitted until the course under consideration has been repeated and a grade earned. Students who have had the maximum six hours of credit excluded from the GPA may not submit additional petitions regardless of the length of time or number of degrees.  

In accordance with federal financial aid regulations, a student may receive federal assistance to repeat a class once for which a passing grade (defined as a “D” or better) has been previously earned. However, there is no limit on the number of times a student may receive federal assistance to repeat a class (if otherwise eligible to do so) for which a grade of “F” has previously been received. Contact Student Financial Services (660-543-8266) for further information.

Auditing Courses

A student may audit a class for no grade and no credit. Acceptable performance, attitude and attendance as determined by the instructor in charge are expected. Regular fees and enrollment procedures are required. Courses taken as an audit must be so designated prior to the final date for changing class schedules as announced in the official calendar. Audited classes do not fulfill requirements for load consideration, nor do they count as part of a student’s enrollment status for receiving federal or state financial aid, or VA educational benefits. Courses taken as an audit will not fulfill degree or certificate requirements and are noted on the transcript with a grade of NC (no credit). Students may audit a course for which they have already earned credit. Students may also audit a course and later take the course for credit.

Course Numbers

Courses offered at the graduate level are divided into three categories. In general, the following may be considered guidelines:

4000-level Beginning Fall 2019 courses numbered at the 4000-level are offered only undergraduate credit. A 4000-level course taken as undergraduate credit may not be applied or repeated as graduate credit. A 4000-level course taken for graduate credit prior to Fall 2019 may count on the graduate program if allowed by the academic program.
5000-level 5000-level courses are offered only for graduate credit.
6000-level 6000-level courses are offered only for graduate credit and require 10 or more semester hours of graduate credit for enrollment.

Undergraduate-level courses cannot be applied to a graduate degree or certificate.

Co-Listed Courses

Co-listed courses are linked 4000-level (undergraduate) and 5000-level (graduate) courses with different course numbers, but same course name, for either undergraduate credit or graduate credit and are offered by the same instructor at the same time, place, and format. While students in both courses have distinct course objectives, assessments, and grading expectations, much of the course content is similar and both classes are functionally combined.

Co-listed courses taken for undergraduate credit may not be used to fulfill graduate degree requirements. Co-listed courses taken for graduate credit may not be used to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements unless the course is part of an accelerated degree program and is identified as such in the undergraduate curriculum.  Graduate students should not enroll in a graduate Co-listed course if they have previously completed the undergraduate course unless advised to do so by their graduate program coordinator. 

Course Prerequisites

A student is expected to have satisfied prerequisites required of any course in which the student is enrolled. Students without prerequisites should not enroll in these classes and may be dropped from the class if they do enroll.

Course prerequisites may be found within the course descriptions here  and in MyCentral when searching for courses. In MyCentral, click on the five-digit course reference number (CRN) of the course and then the course title. Any prerequisites will show at the bottom of the page.

Students who wish to seek enrollment in a course without the prerequisites should contact the School Chairperson over the course for permission and/or enrollment assistance.  Only the academic area offering the course may waive prerequisites.

Graduate Enrollment in Undergraduate Courses

A 4000-level course taken as undergraduate credit may not be applied or repeated as graduate credit. Also, a 4000-level course taken as graduate credit (prior to Fall 2019) may not be applied or repeated as undergraduate credit.  Undergraduate-level courses cannot be applied to graduate degree or certificate programs.