Oct 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Studies Information

Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies is a combined effort between two collaborating offices: Graduate Studies and International Student Services (ISS). Graduate Studies provides program-level academic and research support.  Graduate Studies provides domestic services admissions support as well as graduate student services. The International Student Services Office provides international admissions support as well as international student services.

Mission:  Working collaboratively across the university Graduate Studies provides high-quality graduate programs that are offered in multiple delivery modes to empower every student to meet their personal, educational, and professional development goals. 

Delivery Strategy:  

The resources and initiatives of Graduate Studies aim to ensure UCM’s graduate programs promote diversity, embrace innovation in education and research, and respond to the changing needs of the workforce.  To accomplish this, Graduate Studies provide support to academic programs for recruitment, admissions, international student services, retention, research, and assessment.

The personnel in the Graduate Studies office seek to provide quality services to support graduate education and research at UCM.  In conjunction with other offices and committees this office coordinates the review of graduate curriculum and policies.  Additional functions of this office include providing scholarly funding through research grants and travel provisions and promoting graduate student and program visibility.  The Graduate Studies office handles all processes associated with Graduate Assistantships on campus including the orientation process for new GAs.  This office also reviews the following graduate student petitions: enrollment overloads, exceptions to the eight-year curriculum rule, and the reinstatement of academically ineligible students.  The Graduate Studies office also administers thesis review and submittal and offers thesis workshops.  The office is in Ward Edwards 1900.

Graduate Studies 660-543-4729
Graduate Domestic Admissions 660-543-4729
Graduate Studies (fax) 660-543-8874

International Student Services

The personnel in the International Student Services Office provide international admissions support and international student services.  Some of the student services that this office provides include: major changes, advisor assignments, enrollment assistance, processing of initial I-20s for international students, and international student orientation.  This office also handles graduate student petitions for determining Missouri residency and dual enrollment in undergraduate and graduate coursework.  The office is in Ward Edwards 1800.

International Admissions (undergraduate and graduate) 660-543-4092
Director, International Student Services 660-543-4621
Assistant Director, International Student Services 660-543-8584
International Student Services Fax 660-543-4778

Organization and Administration of Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies encompasses two distinct offices: the office of Graduate Studies and the International Students Services (ISS) office. Both units report to the Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Services. Also significant in the organization and administration of Graduate Studies are the Graduate Faculty Assembly, Graduate Council, Graduate Faculty Review Committee, University Research Council, graduate advisors and coordinators, the faculty as a body, the Director of International Student Services, and representatives from Graduate Studies.

Graduate Faculty Assembly - The Graduate Faculty Assembly (GFA) is the governing body of graduate programs for the university. The GFA is comprised of all members of the Graduate Faculty and the administrators assigned to Graduate Studies. Recognizing that input from the graduate faculty is crucial to the quality of graduate education, the GFA provides a forum for discussion of graduate education issues and elects members to the Graduate Council. Graduate faculty members of the GFA are recognized as associate or full members with differing rights and responsibilities. GFA meets twice a year, once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester.

Graduate Council - The Graduate Council (GC) serves as an administrative committee for the Provost-Chief Learning Officer and a recommending body to Graduate Studies and all graduate functions of the University. The Graduate Council functions as the main recommending body to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs on all issues central to: the development and advancement of the University’s vision with regard to graduate education and research, the development and review of University policies and procedures for graduate education as set forth in the Graduate Catalog, the review and recommendation of the graduate curriculum, and the monitoring of graduate program quality. The Graduate Council serves as the review and recommendation body for all academic petitions submitted to Graduate Studies. The Graduate Council serves to review initial and reappointment applications for Full Graduate Faculty Status and the first level of review for appeals from faculty whose applications were not approved by the school chair and/or dean of the academic unit. The Graduate Council serves as the first level of review for appeals from faculty whose applications for Associate Graduate Faculty Status are not approved by the Graduate Studies. Graduate Council members are elected by the full graduate faculty members of the Graduate Faculty Assembly.

University Research Council - The University Research Council formulates policies and procedures pertaining to faculty research and assists in promoting research at the University of Central Missouri. The University Research Council is composed of seven members. One representative each from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, College of Education, Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies, College of Health, Science and Technology, Graduate Studies representative (ex officio), and student body.

Graduate Faculty Advisors - Graduate faculty advisors are recommended and approved by the graduate program coordinator to teach graduate-level courses and advise graduate students. Graduate advisors must have full graduate faculty status. Graduate program advisors counsel students about enrollment, program planning, qualifying examinations, research studies and/or thesis, comprehensive examinations, and eligibility for graduation.

Graduate Coordinators - Graduate coordinators are responsible for implementing the policies and procedures of graduate study at the university within their respective units. They advise faculty and students and coordinate graduate programs relative to the policies and procedures set forth by Graduate Studies.

Graduate Student Association - The purposes of the organization are:

  • To serve as an advocacy group for the academic, professional, and personal needs of graduate students.
  • To serve as a liaison between the graduate population and the faculty and administration.
  • To provide the opportunity to initiate programs, workshops, and discussions relevant to the graduate experience.
  • To provide opportunities for social activities to create a sense of community.

The current members designate the GSA meeting times. Officers are elected from the membership every Fall.