Mar 30, 2025  
2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Design & Drafting Technology, BS (43-568) (Missouri Innovation Campus (MIC)) (4 Year Guide)

This guide is valid for this Undergraduate Catalog only and is subject to change. This guide is a recommendation only and your actual program may vary. The time it takes to complete a degree and the sequence in which courses are taken will depend on any credits transferred to UCM and on placement in math and writing. See the current Undergraduate Catalog for a complete listing of academic policies, curriculum, prerequisites, and course descriptions.

Courses listed in the first seven semesters include the course prefix, number, and titles used by the Metropolitan Community Colleges (MCC). The eighth semester is partially at both MCC and UCM. The UCM equivalents are listed in parenthesis after the MCC course title. If there is no UCM equivalency, (N/A) is listed. Transfer course articulations may be found on the UCM website at The (GE) following some classes denotes that they will fulfill a UCM general education requirement. See the current Undergraduate Catalog for a complete listing of the 42 hours of general education.

Suggested Schedule

High School Junior Year/MCC - Summer Semester

  • COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech (COMM 1000 ) (GE) (3)
  • EHSS 111 Intro. to Health and Safety General Industry (N/A) (1)
  • ENGR 101 Intro. to Engineering Profession (ENGT 1500 ) (1)

Semester Total: 5 Hours

High School Junior Year/MCC - Fall Semester

Semester Total: 8 or 11 Hours

High School Junior Year/MCC - Spring Semester

  • ETEC 269 CADD II (articulates as CADD 1170  but will be substituted for CADD 2180 ) (4) #
  • ETEC 170 Microstation (CADD 2171 ) (3) 
  • MATH 130 Trigonometry (MATH 1112 ) (3 or 5)
  • MATH 150 Precalculus (MATH 1150 ) (3 or 5)

Semester Total: 10 or 12 Hours

High School Senior Year/MCC - Summer Semester

  • ETEC 290 Internship (N/A) (3)
  • ETEC 211 Building Information Modeling, Revit (CADD 4162 ) (3) 

Semester Total: 6 Hours

High School Senior Year/MCC - Fall Semester

  • ENGL 101 Composition and Reading I (ENGL 1020 ) (GE) (3)
  • ETEC 265 Introduction to Civil Design (CADD 3150 ) (3)
  • ETC 200 Applied Statis and Mechanics (CMGT 2020 ) (3) 
  • PHYS 130 General Physics (articulates as PHYS 1101 , but will substitute for PHYS 1103 ) (GE) (5) +
  • General Education (3)

Semester Total: 12 Hours

(must have completed MATH 130 or 150 by this semester)

High School Senior Year/MCC - Spring Semester

  • CSIS 110 Technology and Information Mgmt. (CTE 1210 ) (GE) (3)
  • ENGL 215 Technical Writing (CTE 3060 ) (GE) (3)
  • ETEC 210 Commercial Design (N/A, will substitute for CADD 3160 ) (3) ++
  • ETEC 153 Descriptive Geometry (N/A, this course will substitute for CADD 2150 ) (4) ##


  • ETEC 270 Parametric Modeling Inventor (3)


  • GEOG 120 Introduction to GIS (3) 

Semester Total: 15 Hours

(graduate from high school this semester)

MCC Junior Year - Summer Semester

  • ETEC 268 Intro. to Structural Steel Design (CADD 2160 ) (3)

Semester Total: 6 Hours

MCC/UCM Junior Year - Fall Semester

  • GEOS 1004 Introduction to Geology (GE) (4)
  • ETC 258 Introduction to Machine Design (3)
  • MATH 180 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (MATH 1151 ) (GE) (5)
  • General Education - Literature (3)

Semester Total: 12 Hours

(graduate from MCC with A.A.S. degree this semester)

Semester Total: 18 Hours

Semester Total: 4 Hours

Semester Total: 12 Hours

Semester Total: 12-17 Hours

Design & Drafting Technology Major (MIC), BS Degree - 120 Hours Minimum

This guide is valid for this Undergraduate Catalog only and is subject to change. This guide is a recommendation only and your actual program may vary. The time it takes to complete a degree and the sequence in which courses are taken will depend on any credits transferred to UCM and on placement in math, reading, and writing. See the current Catalog  for a complete listing of academic policies, curriculum, prerequisites, and course descriptions.

General Information

  • This program is offered in cooperation with the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Metropolitan Community College (MCC). Students begin the program during their junior year in high school and will earn an AAS degree from MCC-BTC with a major in Engineering Technology: Architecture Emphasis.
  • Students must be accepted into this program. Go to or call 660-543-8256 for more information.
  • The following major classes will be waived for MIC students at UCM: CADD 1100 (1 hour), 2100 (.5 hour), 3100 (.5 hour), and 4100 (1 hour). These three credit hour will be fulfilled using free elective credit or extra transfer credit.
  • Please note that the credit hours from any course taken at a community college that articulates or substitutes for an upper-level (3000/4000) UCM course will not count towards the upper-level hours needed for graduation. The same rule applies to any 1000/2000 level courses at four-year institutions, even if the course(s) articulates or substitutes for an upper-level (3000/4000) UCM course. Learn more at
  • To satisfy the General Education Assessment (GEA) Policy, students must take the GEA after they earn 60 credit hours but before earning 75 credit hours. Transfer students who have more than 60 hours earned should take the exam during their second semester at UCM. Students must achieve a passing score of 425 to meet graduation requirements. Students may register for the GEA through MyCentral. Contact UCM Testing Services (HUM 216, 660-543-4919, for more information.

Key to Curriculum Notes on Four Year Guide

  • Must earn a grade of C or higher in all CADD prefix courses including those transferred.
  • # While this course articulates to CADD 1170 , it will also substitute for CADD 2180  which is also required in the UCM major.
  • ## This course will substitute for CADD 2150  which is required in the UCM major.
  • + This course will substitute for PHYS 1103  which is required in the UCM major.
  • ++ This course will substitute for CADD 3160  which is required in the UCM major.
  • +++ This course will substitute for CMGT 3330  which is required in Area 2 of the UCM major.
  • * This course will substitute for CADD 4162  which is required in Area 2 of the UCM major.
  • ** This class is only offered the semester indicated.
  • *** Students either take INDM 4250  and SOT 4210  or MGT 3315  and HRM 3920 .
  • ^ All students must earn a minimum of 30 upper-level credits for graduation. These are classes taken at the 3000/4000 level. Courses taken at a community college may not count for these hours, even if the course is articulated or substituted for an upper-level UCM course. Students are encouraged to choose upper-level courses in the general education where available. Depending on choices made in the general education and internship, students may need additional hours of upper-level free choice electives for graduation.
  • 10 This course fulfills Competency 10 - Integration in the General Education program. The hours count in the major, not in general education.